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Jay and Co sit in the hideout.

Jay: Anybody wanna do something?

Ryoken: Er, I don't know. Mario?

Shotzi: Never thought I'd say this, but Mario Kart's getting a bit boring.

Jay: True. Let's just watch some TV.

Jay grabs the remote, but when he turns on the TV-

TV Guy: GOAL! (Soccer Player's name) with the Kick!

Jay: Dude! we've gotta play Soccer!

Ryoken: sounds fine with me.

Shotzi: I'll play.

Jay: What about you, Bull? Super?

Bull/"Superrr": Nahhh.

Jay: Ok. Don't be sad you didn't see me mop the floor with these guys!

(Soccer game)

Ryoken and Shotzi play on the same team against Jay, and Jay gets beat.... like 25 times.

Jay: Ok, screw this! I'm getting teamed up on!

Shotzi: That's... kinda the point.

Jay: Y'know what? I'm gonna get a second team member.

(In town)

Jay walks around, asking people if they're good at Soccer. None of them say yes, until he meets one guy...

 None of them say yes, until he meets one guy

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Jay: Hey, are you good at Soccer?

He's almost already gone, expecting a "No".

Alphonso Davies: Football, Yeah.

Jay stops in his tracks, baffled.

Jay: Wait, you are?

Davies: Well, I'm a player, so I should be.

Jay convinces Alphonso Davies to join his soccer team for the next match.

Jay: Awesome! You're on my team for the next game.

Davies: Sure, why not? It could be fun.

Back at the hideout, Jay proudly introduces his new teammate.

Jay: Everyone, meet Alphonso Davies! He's gonna help me crush both of you guys in the next soccer match.

Jay gears up for the game, now with a professional soccer player on his side.

The game starts and Shotzi gets the ball first. She passes it to Ryoken and- it gets stolen by Davies! He gets it all the way to the goal and Shotzi and Ryoken can't do a thing about it!

Jay: Yeah! Let's go Alphonso!

Davies: Told ya I'm good.

The next game starts... and Davies dominates again! He's speeding down the field, and scoring every time!

In the end, Jay and Davies are up 56 to 12. Obviously, Jay's team wins.

Shotzi: Alright, I'm done. This is totally unfair, you have a professional!

Jay: Well, "That's kinda the point."

Ryoken: Yeah, I'm out. I have nothing else in me chasing after you.

Davies: Really? I didn't break a sweat.

He laughs, getting the side eye from Shotzi.

Jay: Yo... do you like pranks?

Davies: Do I like pranks.... I love pranks! Let's go!

(Back in town)

Jay and Davies have a lot of fun, dropping water balloons on people from high buildings, but when a large guy in all black walks by, Jay and Davies don't think before dropping a Ballon on him.

Large man: Grrrrrr.... WHO THREW THAT!?

Jay and Davies cower in fear as the man looks up and sees them.


Jay/Davies: Oh no!

They try to run but another large guy is already up there with them.

Jay: Why are there more now!?


Jay: We're sorry..

Davies: Now we're not!

Davies takes a water Balloon and throws one at both of the men.

Davies: Let's go!!!!

Davies and Jay run all the way back to the base.

Shotzi: (sighs) What happened?

Jay: (out of breath) We threw some.... and a big guy.... Davies ... Ballon at 'em... AWESOME!

Davies calmly walks in, breathing normally.

Davies: Well, Jay and I threw some Ballons at people, we accidentally threw one at a guy we shouldn't have, he tried to kill us, but I saved us with my water Balloon skills!

Shotzi: Water Balloo-

Before the can finish, Davies and Jay both throw a water Balloon at her.

Jay/Davies: AWESOME!

Jay's Escapade (Darkekulavia Spin-off)Where stories live. Discover now