S1 E10: The Big Fight (Part One)

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While the rest of the group was in the hideout, Ryoken was at the store, buying groceries. He leaves the market, and his path takes him through am alley.

Ryoken: This place has no business being this dark. I hate it.

"Ryoken! Ryoken!"

Ryoken quickly spins around to see Superrr, in a ghostly form.

Ryoken: Superrr?

Ghost Superrr: Yeah, the real one.

Ryoken: So I was right?

Ghost Superrr: Yes! Listen dude, I need you to do something for me.

Ryoken: Yeah?...

Ghost Superrr: I need you to build me a robot body, so I can take out Corrupted_FILE.

Ryoken: Wait... "Superrr" is Corrupted_FILE? So that's why he hasn't made a move yet.

Ghost Superrr: But he will soon. That's why I need a body to fight in. And dude, I've been Omnipotent for like, a week and a half. It's cool to know everything, but I want to be back, and fighting. And, Rhazar and Fishface are working for The Auditor, they helped him escape NYCPD!

Ryoken: No way....

Ghost Superrr: Anyway, that body dude. By the way, I only need arms and legs. I have the head and body part, which I won't use to fight anyway.

Ryoken: I'll get working on it-

(At the Hideout)

"Superrr": -right now, Kiera!

Kiera: You better! I want him found! Get off your a**es people!

Ryoken: *bursts in through the door* Well, guess who I found.... Corrupted_FILE.

He points a long finger at "Superrr".

"Superrr": *dramatically* Whatever do you mean!? I am most definitely not Cor- Eh, whatever. You caught me.

He suddenly glitches back into his base form.

Corrupted_FILE: Well, I was thinking of riding this out for a few more chapters. Maybe 10... 9... 8...

Jay: Wait, why's he counting down like that?

Corrupted_FILE:..6...5... 4...

Ryokens eyes quickly look around the surrounding area. He finds a device in a corner. "There!"

Corrupted_FILE:.. 2... 1.

Suddenly, the device opens a portal! Out comes the whole Corrupted_Squad! At least, the ones we know about...

Ghazan: Weren't we supposed to come out later?

Surge: Well I guess we fight now! Thanks 'FILE!

Black Frieza: Wait... there are more MONKEYS than before... Oh! I remember you! You're the helpless Saiyan girl who's parents I ki-

Before he can finish, Kiera goes full-on SSJ 4 and rushes at him, as the brawl goes through a home I'm the wall that was made from the last fight.

Bull: Well, at least no more damages-

Suddenly, Kiera gets flung through the ceiling.

Bull: D**n it!

Jay: I've got this copy of mine.

Jay and Corrupted_FILE charge at eachother, branching off in another direction.

Ryoken: So...

Bull: So...

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