S2 E1: Where Are You?

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Ryoken: Previously on Jay's Escapade...

("As an alarm clock rings, a familiar face gets out of bed. He grabs an apple and heads out.

Walking down the street, he comes across a biker gang messing with a short and scrawny guy.

Jay: Hey dipshits! Pick on Someone your own size!

The camera freeze-frame's and shows-"

"Shotzi: did you hear something?

Jay: I think so- Duck!

Shotzi ducks under a Ninja Star with a fist logo on it.

Female Ninja: What are you doing!? We're supposed to go after Jay not... this woman.

Male Ninja: they're obviously together! How am I gonna take out one but not the other!?

As they yell at each other, the screen freeze-frame's and shows-"

"???: I don't need your help!

The man gets up, and the screen freeze-frame's, showing...

Ryoken: Leave me alone, I've got this, you dimwit!

Jay: the hell's wrong with you... Guy!?

Ryoken: It's Revolver, and that's... what's wrong with me.

He points up to the sky, where the camera zooms into-"

"As Superrr exits the hideout, he's stabbed through the chest with a sword-sized Candy Cane.

Corrupted_FILE: Merry Christmas, Superrr.

His evil laugh rings out as the camera pans up to the sky, and the moon glitches.

Suddenly the camera darts back to Corrupted_FILE.

Corrupted_FILE: Where are you going? Shows not over. This thing's goin' 'till Christmas is over!.."

"Suddenly, Superrr teleports into the hideout.

Superrr: Who said you can't bring me back?"

"Superrr: hehehe. Team Jay is going down!

"Superrr"'s face glitches out revealing Corrupted_FILE's face.

"Superrr": Whoops!"

"Jay: (out of breath) We threw some.... and a big guy.... Davies ... Ballon at 'em... AWESOME!

Davies calmly walks in, breathing normally.

Davies: Well, Jay and I threw some Ballons at people, we accidentally threw one at a guy we shouldn't have, he tried to kill us, but I saved us with my water Balloon skills!

Shotzi: Water Balloo-

Before the can finish, Davies and Jay both throw a water Balloon at her.

Jay/Davies: AWESOME!"

"Jay: Um, who the heck are you!?

Ryoken: Yeah, you're not in my database of Villains.

???: Because I'm not one.

Jay: Then you're a hero? It doesn't seem like it.

???: I'm not that either.

Jay: Then, again... WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?

???: I'm Kiera. A Saiyan."

"Ryoken: *bursts in through the door* Well, guess who I found.... Corrupted_FILE.

He points a long finger at "Superrr".

"Superrr": *dramatically* Whatever do you mean!? I am most definitely not Cor- Eh, whatever. You caught me.

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