The Creek

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I exited the camper, annoyance billowing within me. My eyes scanned over the lawn chairs seeing Jacob and Lexi casually chatting while Jerry sat alone on the opposing side, his nose in a magazine.

"Hey do you guys know where Isaac is?" I questioned walking up to Lexi and Jacob.

"Think he said something about heading to the creek," Jacob shrugged, turning his head from Lexi to me. 

"Yeah he didn't look happy," Lexi added, twirling a thin piece of rope in her hands.

"Thanks," I flashed a smile before turning on my heels heading in the opposite direction. Towards the creek.

The creek was roughly two hundred yards away from camp, so about a two minute walk. We used it to wash our clothes, bathe, and gather water to boil over the fire.

I unhooked the hatchet from my belt as I vacated from the safety of camp. The sun cruelly pounded against my back, as I strolled through the woods, escalating the vexation I already felt. I was cautious of my surroundings, on guard for any infected that have crept this deep into the woods.

I could hear the light flowing stream of water. I topped the hill, standing beside a large oak tree. It really was a peaceful, beautiful area. Sporadic trees were laced around the creek's edge while various summer flowers grew in the fields around it. Standing here I could almost forget about the decaying world beyond it, almost.

My eyes fell on Isaac who was buttoning his blue jeans. His brown hair seemed darker from the water that saturated it. My eyes drifted up to his bare muscular built chest, and lightly defined abs. I couldn't deny that I found him attractive, or the dirty thoughts were bombarding my brain.

"You enjoying the view stalker," His eyes flicked up to me.

I shook my head trying to push those thoughts away, I came here for a reason. I stormed down to the creek bed.

"Why can't I go on the run today?" I crossed my arms, glaring at him.

He shrugged, grabbing his dark blue shirt from the ground. "Why are you asking me?" His 'confused' act, was not fooling me in the slightest. Even if John hadn't said anything, I still would have known it was a charade. He's a horrible liar, when he lies he bites the inside of his lip, and avoids eye contact. 

"Don't try that. John told me to ask you," I firmly spoke, shutting down his bogus ignorance.

"Fucking John," he muttered, almost under his breath. "He said he'd make something up."

I swiped his shirt from his hands. "Tell me the truth and I will give this back," I held the shirt behind me out of his reach.

He sucked in a deep breath, shaking his head. Just as his mouth appeared to open he tried to rush for his shirt. I twisted, taking a few steps back, holding my elbow against his bare stomach, keeping him at bay. A smirk consumed his face, as this just turned into a game for him.

"Issac," I hissed as he lifted me off the ground, throwing me over his shoulder. "Put me down," I said in a whisper shout, as he approached the water. He pulled my pistol out of its holster, setting it on the grass.

"Give me my shirt back," he retorted almost to the deeper portion of the creek.

"Tell me why I can't go on the run," I wheezed from the way he was holding me.

"Three... Two..." He started, standing on the edge of the small drop off above the creek.

"A countdown really," I groaned. "Your shirt will get wet too."

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