Knives and Starry Skies

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I glanced up at Kieran who was sound asleep, my head still against his warm chest. I ran my fingers up his defined abs, just staring at him peacefully sleeping. I lifted my head from his chest, as I saw Morgan exit the hallway sneaking over to me.

"I need to use the bathroom, will you go with me," she whispered down to me.

Our 'bathroom' was just the expansive fields around the house seeing as the plumbing didn't work any longer.

"Why would I go with you," I harshly whispered. Her devilish smile at me while she was fucking Isaac flashed through my brain. Almost like she thought she was hurting me.

"Please, I'm no good against the infected, and no one has given me a gun" she pleaded, almost pouting.

"Go ask Isaac," I muttered.

"But you are already awake. I didn't know you had something going with the both of them," her eyes floated to a sleeping Kieran, almost studying him.

"I didn't. Fine if I go will you shut up," I sighed, carefully getting up without waking Kieran.

A smile spread across her face in response.

I snatched a flashlight off the coffee table, begrudgingly following her out the back door. I shined my light all around the fields near the house searching for any infected. We pressed on under the crescent moon above.

"Do you really need to go this far," I grumbled, keeping my flashlight pointed in front of Morgan who led a couple steps in front of me.

"What was that behind you?" her face was filled with horror.

I twisted back beaming my light across the fluttering empty tall grass. Only hearing the loud chorus of insects, not seeing anything but fireflies swarming about. "What..." Before I could finish the sentence I heard rustling from Morgan behind me. I quickly turned back, just quickly enough to mostly dodge the knife she slashed at me. I hissed as the sharp edge sliced across the skin on my arm, sending a searing sensation from the site.

She tackled me to the grass, as I attempted to free my pistol. My hands were firmly griped around her arms, holding back the knife she had directed at my head. "What are you doing?" I grunted, using all my strength to keep her blade from entering my skull.

"Should have listened to that lard ass," She growled, continuing to press down on the knife. "I'm still a Fallen Angel cunt." She manically laughed to herself before aiming the knife backwards. I loudly cried out, tears pooling in my eyes as she successfully lodged it into my left shoulder. Feeling as if an iron hot bar had been pressed into it. "Don't worry I'm not going to kill you. I want to see your dumb face when you find out the truth," she gave me a sinister smile.

My hand flew to the pistol on my waist before she tried to snatch it. I grunted with the knife still lodged in my shoulder, as we struggled for control over the gun. Dirt flew into the air beside us as the pistol fired, but that didn't deter either of us.

She successfully ripped it from my hands tossing it into the thick grass, her eyes lifting to the multiple flashlights heading towards us before she disappeared into the darkness.

My hand clasped over the blade still embedded in my skin. I took a moment trying to process what just happened, and the pain that tore through my shoulder. Hearing voices call out my nickname rip through the night air. My eyes didn't waver from the stars above, without all the light pollution they had turned into a masterpiece. Like something out of a painting. I knew I wasn't dying, but if I was I would want this idyllic image to be my last, just the peaceful stars and moon.

I gasped sitting up, every movement, every breath sent a radiating burning sensation throughout my shoulder. I finally made it to my feet, as the flashlights in front of me glided over the field.

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