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Heads up, the end of this part will be NSFW.
*Also a massive thank you to all who have continued to read my story. I appreciate the reads and votes more than mere words can describe! Last thing I know it's been slow so far, but I'm building for the next book that will have plenty of action -Murphy*

I sat against a pushed down patch of grass, ripping the thick grass out of the ground. Tossing it to the side. Ignoring the aching pain radiating from my knuckles. My eyes on a single willow tree in front of me, resting in the middle of a lonely field. The branches swaying with the evening breeze. The sun had just set below the distant treeline, meaning I had like thirty more minutes of light left. I have been sitting here for at least an hour trying to process everything I felt. My feelings towards Isaac had been confusing and conflicting this entire time, but I honestly think I could never love him more than in a best friend kind of way. I honestly think the fact I haven't had sex in over a year was clouding my emotions.

"It's going to be dark soon," I heard a voice from behind me, Kieran's.

"Go away," I mumbled, not breaking my gaze at the willow tree. Resentment still curled in my chest for what he said to Isaac.

"Odessa, you don't even have a flashlight," he replied. I could hear the grass crunching as he grew closer.

"Why would you say that to him?" I hissed, pushing myself off of the grass.

"Because he was being a dick, so that was the only way I could think of to get him to shut up," he answered matter of factly. "I'm sorry."

"You are sorry?" I scoffed. "You had no right to say that," I spat while walking in front of him.

"I know, it wasn't right. I just couldn't stand the way he was talking about you," he huffed. "Like you should be some scared little girl who needs to be sheltered, who can't take care of herself."

"What did you say to him?" I quizzed, anger still coursing through me.

He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "I might have told him I had you moaning my name louder than you ever had his."

I just stared at him for a moment slowly blinking at him, taken aback. Annoyance and irritation storming were inside my chest. "What do you think I'm some kind of whore?" I shoved against his chest, causing him to stumble a few steps back due to his bad leg. "A whore who fucks one man while falling for another?"

"If I could take it back I would," he mumbled. He paused for a moment his eyes focusing on something behind me, slightly shaking his head. "Actually I wouldn't," he stared into my eyes.

I narrowed my eyes on him shaking my head, "Fuck you."

He grabbed my hands that were about to shove him again. "I wouldn't because he showed you who he really is. That he'd believe someone he doesn't even know over trusting you. That he has the capability to hurt you," his eyes were full of sincerity meaning every word he said. "So if you hate me for that, fine. I'd rather you hate me and know the truth about him, than like me and still be caught up in this image of him being perfect for you."

My gaze stayed locked with his, "If you tell anyone else that we fucked when we haven't I will cut your dick off."

"Don't worry, the next time I say it, it will be true," a small smirk consumed his lips, as he dropped my hands.

"Cocky ass," I rolled my eyes, before walking past him towards the house.

I pulled the screen door open, Kieran was trailing behind me. Isaac jumped off the couch at the sight of me, a freshly opened bottle of whiskey in his hands, his red eyes on me

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