The Farmhouse

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Jacob followed behind John in the Sedan, pulling off the gravel road into a long drive. Barbed wire fence encapsulated the entirety of the property. Carrie got out and opened the red metal gate blocking the drive.

The Jeep's tires against the gravel and light hum of the engine was all that filled my ears as I scanned around the seemingly never ending billowing overgrown fields that had the occasional tree scattered around.

Jacob braked before moving his hand to the shifter putting the Jeep in park. I peered around his seat out the windshield to see a large two story white farmhouse. We all stared forwards in admiration at the house. It had a huge brick fireplace running up the left side of the wood paneling. Six large windows stared back at us from the front of the house alone. It was beautiful. I could tell it was an older farmhouse, but that gave it more character.

"This place could actually be a home," Jacob's voice was beaming full of hope, but his eyes were still red and drained from what transpired yesterday.

I opened my door, the harsh heat bashing against my face. Despite the heat, getting some fresh air not tainted with the infected's stench was amazing. John approached just as Isaac and Jacob exited the vehicle. Asking the duo to help him clear the house, then the faded red barn that rested roughly a football field length away from the house. I leaned back against the Jeep staring off into the flowing grass in front of me.

"How are you doing?" Carrie pipped, rounding the Jeep.

"I'm fine," I breathed. "You?"

"Me too," she huffed, joining me in leaning against the Jeep. She sucked in a deep breath, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for Lexi or you... It all just brought up memories of my son, Greg." Out of the corner of my eye I saw her kick at the gravel below her feet.

"You don't have to apologize to me," I retorted, keeping my gaze ahead.

"I do. I know how hard that was for you, and I just hid away. Not even saying goodbye to Lexi," she sheepishly admitted.

"Again I'm fine," I gruffly spoke wanting this conversation to be over.

"You're not. You would have hit Jerry with that shovel if Isaac hadn't stopped you," she corrected.

"Not like he wouldn't have deserved it," I muttered under my breath.

"Yeah I agree," Carrie shrugged.

"I don't blame you, so if you are looking for me to forgive you, just know that. I can't imagine what you were going through," I twisted my head to her.

She softly smiled at me, placing her hand on my shoulder, "Thank you." She gave a light squeeze before letting her hand fall from my shoulder.

"So what's been going on between you and Isaac?" She raised her eyebrows.

"What's going on with you and John," I quipped, avoiding the question.

"Touche," she lightly smiled. "Is it that obvious?" She whispered over to me.

I nodded in response.

"Well shit," she sighed. She paused seemingly deep in thought. "Does everyone know?" she pried.

"Yeah," I responded. Carrie's face fluttered with embarrassment at my answer.

"Okay, it's all clear. Start bringing the stuff in," John announced, approaching the vehicles. Trailed by Isaac and Jacob.

The three of them grabbed the heaviest stuff, and began towards the house. I snatched my backpack from the Jeep, along with a light box filled with our medical supplies. I shut the back hatch and started for the house.

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