Professional double standards

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Professional double standard

After taking a few steps, Wen Hao turned around and asked him, "What did you just say?"

Because Guan Yi was in stealth mode, she couldn't see him and could only pay attention to his footsteps. After being distracted, she didn't hear clearly what he said, only catching a general idea.

The person behind her didn't hide it from her and a voice came, "I have spatial abilities, do you need them?"

Wen Hao didn't hesitate, "Sure."

Another voice came from behind, "Keep your valuable items with you."

Wen Hao directly took off her backpack and placed it on the ground, creating a large snow pit, "No valuable items."

After the person behind her made a sound of agreement, Wen Hao felt the cane in front of her slightly lower. Then, her vision blurred and she vaguely saw a person, someone wearing a hat and a mask, relatively thin. But when she tried to look carefully, her backpack and the person disappeared together.

The cane was pushed forward and the other person took it back, reminding her that she could continue walking.

Wen Hao blinked, suppressed her doubts, and continued leading the way. Considering his inconvenience, she tried to walk on flat ground. She took two steps and looked back.

It seemed that the other person didn't expect it and often stepped on her shoes or bumped into her back.

Wen Hao heard repeated apologies and mechanically responded, "It's okay," "No problem," repeatedly changing her responses to accommodate him.

Occasionally, she could feel the cane being suddenly pulled by someone. The other person seemed to have stepped on something and had a tendency to slip, instinctively borrowing force from her.

She noticed and tightened her grip on the cane, never letting the invisible person fall.

Wen Hao was very satisfied with her quick reactions in pulling the other person back on track several times.


The helicopter was very large, and the closer they got, the stronger the wind generated by the rotor blades. Guan Yi already had difficulty seeing the ground and had injured his foot, making it difficult for him to walk steadily. When the wind from the rotor blades blew, he felt himself swaying and unable to stand.

The other person seemed to have noticed and bravely faced the wind ahead, shielding him. Although he couldn't see the source of the heatless object, he could still hear the sound of the wind blowing against the combat uniform, imagining the image of her clothes billowing and her confident demeanor.

Alpha, in her twenties, is young and strong. Unlike him, every step she takes is steady and even. Just like before, she walks a few steps and looks back to see if he is keeping up.

Guan Yi follows behind her, gazing at her tall and slender yet powerful figure. He inexplicably feels that he is not looking at a simple human body, but rather a divine and majestic being descending from the heavens.

Su Yue is right, she is truly amazing.

For a moment, he feels unworthy and undeserving. He doesn't want to cause any more trouble or make someone like her dislike him. He stops in his tracks, wanting to retrieve his cane. "The coach is urging us, you go ahead, I'll be there in a moment."

It's not a lie, the coach is indeed urging them. The other mutants have already gone ahead, leaving only him and Wen Hao outside. "Oh," she responds, but she doesn't let go of his cane or leave early. She remains steadfastly by his side.

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