Happy cooperation

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With a loud bang, the struggling mutated creature came to a halt, its heart meat scattered and it died.

Just as the crystal core was about to fall, it was wrapped back up by a steel wire.

Guan Yi used the mutated creatures' contact with the steel wire to determine their positions.

Every wire here was personally set up by him. His memory was very good, even if there was a gap of about ten days, he still remembered the exact position of each wire. When the mutated creatures struggled and kicked the wire, he could determine the location, distance, and direction.

He is very clever.

Wen Hao no longer worried about him and focused wholeheartedly on dealing with the mutated creatures.

A long, long time ago, before there were any superhumans in the world, mutated creatures were dealt with using conventional weapons. However, it was soon discovered that when hit by cannons and nuclear weapons, those mutated creatures not only didn't die, but instead evolved.

The pollution they carried became heavier, in addition to what they naturally had, there was also the radiation left behind by nuclear weapons. So people stopped using conventional weapons to deal with them.

After many years of research and development, a type of thermal weapon that could use crystal cores as energy was finally created.

But due to the unique nature of the mutated creatures, locking functions and various high-tech features couldn't be used. They could only rely on the naked eye to judge distance and direction, greatly increasing the chance of missing.

As a result, people didn't like using these weapons because they were bulky to carry.

In fact, the authorities had large-scale thermal weapons to deal with mutated creatures, but they could only kill low-level ones. The chances of high-level ones escaping and surviving reached eighty percent. Over time, thermal weapons were phased out in disaster areas.

This time, luck was good. There happened to be a spatial superhuman, and this spatial superhuman's family was in the arms trade, so they had no shortage of weapons.

Everyone held the idea of saving a bit of superpower, giving it a try, and didn't expect that thermal weapons had evolved so quickly and were quite effective.

Wen Hao also felt much more relaxed, but she couldn't automate the process of changing crystal cores. She could only manually open the magazine and switch to higher-level crystal cores to deal with high-level mutated creatures, and then switch back for low-level ones.

The level of crystal cores used to deal with high-level mutated creatures was also higher. Using them on low-level ones was like using a sledgehammer to kill a chicken, it was too wasteful of energy, so she had to go through some trouble.

Wen Hao aimed at a mutated creature, found its weak point through the scope, pulled the trigger, and with a loud bang, it fell.

Because the shot missed, the mutated creature's wound quickly healed. Just as it was about to flap its wings and take off again, it was discovered by other superhumans and was shot twice.

The opponent struggled fiercely in the air, and the two shots did not hit the vital points. When it was about to fall to the thread defense line, it was close enough for the mutant to see the thread with blood beads hanging on it. Immediately, it turned its head and flew upwards, but before it could do so, a mutant changed the time around it using their ability, causing its falling speed to suddenly increase. The mutant was unprepared and crashed straight into the thread, breaking into several pieces.

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