Yes, yes.

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When Wen Hao moved, she found that her hand was a bit out of control, limp and not under her control. She couldn't help but glance at her arm that was already weak and hanging by her side.

Su Yue seemed to see her confusion and explained, "It's a rejection reaction, very normal. After a while, you will adapt to the outsider."

Wen Hao raised an eyebrow, "Outsider?"

Su Yue just remembered that she didn't know yet, "It was Guan Yi who saved you."

He lowered his voice, "You should know about his ability. You were severely injured and almost dying. Guan Yi, in order to save you, committed suicide and transferred his blood into your body. . ."

There was no need to say the rest, she understood.

When Guan Yi committed suicide and came back, there was a short period of recovery. During this time, the cells and blood in his body were very active and full of vitality. He could heal himself and naturally heal others.

However, the time was very limited, at most only four or five seconds.

Before falling into a deep sleep, she knew that she had suffered multiple injuries herself. There was a large hole in her chest where she could see her internal organs, and blood was flowing out of that hole.

To save her, it would definitely come at a great cost.

Perhaps not wanting his brother's efforts to be in vain, Su Yue specifically told her, "He repeatedly cut his own major arteries. . ."

He made a chopping motion towards his neck.

"At least a dozen times, maybe even more than twenty times, I was too shocked at the time, I didn't count."

Guan Yi had his back to everyone, so no one could guess or understand what he did. Only he knew how hard Guan Yi worked to save Wen Hao.

"He saved your life, so you should treat him well."

He was originally joking, but he didn't expect Wen Hao to actually nod seriously.

Seeing her attitude, Su Yue also felt relieved. His efforts were not in vain. Guan Yi was very satisfied with Wen Hao. If he wasn't satisfied, he wouldn't have gone through so much trouble to save her. He had never seen him so crazy before, cutting himself and bleeding to save others.

It seems that Wen Hao is also very satisfied with Guan Yi now.

Su Yue patted Wen Hao for the last time, "I'm leaving, you take good care of him."

Wen Hao nodded.

With a positive response, Su Yue left contentedly with his Beta companion.

Wen Hao watched his back, lost in thought.

After a while, she used her other controllable hand to open her own collar and took a look. There was a patch of skin on her chest that was slightly different in color from the rest, lighter and paler, like newly healed skin, belonging to Guan Yi's complexion.

That area was quite large, about the size of an adult man's fist, left by an ice spike piercing through. It was possible that the ice spike initially blocked the wound, and combined with prolonged exhaustion, she didn't notice it. By the time she discovered it, the ice spike had melted from her body temperature, leaving only a large hole. It was too late to save it.

After discovering the injury, she stared at herself for several seconds, lost in thought until Guan Yi noticed and asked her what was wrong. Unexpectedly, she didn't know how to answer.

She didn't have many concerns. Her parents had long known that her profession was dangerous, and although they were unwilling, they respected her choice and prepared for her not to return every time she went out.

Inheriting My Brother's Brother [Female A Male O] (ChatGPT Translated)Where stories live. Discover now