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On the ground, there are countless mutated creatures chasing, constantly shooting out spider webs, trying to capture the white line flying ahead.

In the sky, there are several pairs of wings, in the unobstructed area, the mutated creatures in the form of eagles are even faster, faintly surpassing the white line.

Wen Hao noticed it and suddenly turned, bypassing that mutated creature and passing through from another place.

Because of her action, the vast procession behind her followed her drift.

The true rulers in the sky are those eagles, they are more skilled in flying, as if it were instinct, Wen Hao has already noticed that two of them are once again bending to overtake, one above and one below.

They are below, those two eagles are above.

They start to emit light all over their bodies, this is a sign of using their abilities.

The two eagles open their mouths at the same time, ready to release their abilities, accurately targeting them.

It's strange, along this journey, starting from the cave, no matter if they use earth-based abilities to escape or hide in the mountain walls, no matter where they are, those mutated creatures seem to have a way of knowing where they are.

Even now, when they are hiding, concealed within a gray cloud, the other side can still clearly see their position.

She deliberately came in because these mutated creatures have fluorescent-like lines behind them, she can see them, but in the dark cloud, the other side can't see them. The current situation is obvious, she miscalculated.

They can obviously see, to be precise, it is the mutated creatures that 'notify' them because at first she remembers that these guys lost track of them, but after a brightly colored eagle appeared, everything changed.

It was that eagle that saw them and then passed on the message to them.

How did it see them?

There are many talented individuals in this world, and the abilities of the mutated creatures are also diverse, there is no need to dwell on this, just know that they must take down that eagle.

While avoiding the dual attack of those two eagles, Wen Hao observes the one that flies the highest, always following at a distance, not intending to make a move, seemingly a strategist among the eagles, with a thoughtful expression.

Before she could figure out how to deal with that eagle, Guan Yi in her arms suddenly had some movement, he raised one hand, holding an iron spike, sharp at one end.

The sharp iron spike lights up, being influenced by its owner's ability, and suddenly shoots out.

With a loud bang, something pierced through the darkness, followed by the sound of mutated creatures screaming in agony.

Guan Yi breathed a sigh of relief in his arms, "It really worked."

Wen Hao lowered her head and carefully looked at him while hurrying on the road.

He seemed to notice her gaze and understood her curiosity, so he took the initiative to explain, "After spending so much time with me, you must be curious about how I used to hunt."

When he was in a team with Wen Hao, he performed the worst, feeling completely useless and always being led by her.

Although he wanted to perform well with Wen Hao, he never had the opportunity, or rather, his strengths were always disrupted.

"In the past, I used to wait for the other party to attack first."

During the urban assessment, if one couldn't eliminate others within the given time, their ranking would never rise. So, everyone would take the initiative to attack others. When they encountered a tough opponent, they would even join forces to eliminate that person first.

Inheriting My Brother's Brother [Female A Male O] (ChatGPT Translated)Where stories live. Discover now