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Guan Yi naturally cooperates, and can even be said to be eager.

The number of mutant species coming is increasing, and he hears the sound of many flapping wings. Wen Hao is probably preparing to take off again, with her hand on his waist.

When flying, Wen Hao can only pay attention to the front, unable to see above and behind. So she is responsible for the front and flying, while Guan Yi is responsible for above and behind her. In order to better coordinate their actions, the two of them are embracing face to face, just like now.

Occasionally, when he gets tired, he can rest his chin on Wen Hao's shoulder. Wen Hao is busy rushing, not knowing if she notices. If she catches his gaze, he explains with a sentence that he's tired and needs to rest for a while.

If not, then continue lying down.

Wen Hao has never mentioned him once, and she even casually rubs his head when he tries to argue.

Escaping is exhausting and dangerous. This time, compared to the past, it is the most encounters he has had with mutant species, and the strongest disaster area. He doesn't have confidence in his ability to survive, but for some reason, he feels calm in his heart.

It feels like returning home after drifting for a long time. Perhaps Wen Hao is home to him.

So wherever she is, his heart is settled. Even if he were to die, he wouldn't have a trace of fear or uneasiness.

I'm just a waste abandoned by the family. No one cares about me, so if I die, I die. As long as I can be with Wen Hao, it's enough.

Wen Hao is the first person to tell him that he has the capital to hold his head high.

Suddenly, Guan Yi's body tilts and is carried by Wen Hao, closely sticking to the ground, flying silently. He also uses his invisibility ability appropriately, coordinating with Wen Hao to fly out of the forest together.

The mutant species that can 'see' them is not omnipotent. It takes some time to 'find' them, so they haven't been discovered yet.

After flying a distance, they discover that those eagles have chased after them, hanging far behind and unable to shake them off.

Wen Hao also has no intention of shaking them off. She has another plan, which she tells him, and he has no objections. She does as she says.

Under a canyon near the center of the disaster area, after everyone has dealt with the attacking mutant species, those two people who went out to explore the wind still haven't returned. They are hesitating whether to go find them.

Some people say they are probably dead and there's no need to look for them. Some people advocate for searching because those two individuals are very strong. Without them, their overall strength decreases, and they will have less confidence in dealing with the mutant species.

Some people suspect that they ran away, while more people are considering the danger of this disaster area. One of them can fly, and the other has invisibility ability. They coordinate with each other, so it's almost impossible for them to have an accident.

If they encounter a mutant species that even the two of them cannot escape from, then the strength of the mutants here is definitely not on the same level as theirs, and they have no need to continue.

Because they will die.

They came to hunt, not to die.

While everyone was arguing fiercely, suddenly there was a commotion from above, like the sound of a helicopter landing or the roar of spinning propellers. Just as everyone was wondering what was happening, they saw a dark figure sprinting away at an extremely fast speed.

Inheriting My Brother's Brother [Female A Male O] (ChatGPT Translated)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz