Want to be hers.

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When Wen Hao stopped, her heart skipped a beat.

She wouldn't be polite about the part that the other party could handle. Coincidentally, among all her luggage, clothes were the least. Guan Yi was exactly the opposite of her. He ate nutritional supplements, but he didn't bring any less of other things. After her towel was used up, she used his.

Their figures were similar. When she took out the new, clean clothes with the tags still on and compared them to herself, she knew they fit.

Because of this little incident, it made her have some other thoughts.

She wanted to take a bath.

Changing into new clothes without taking a bath was the same as not changing at all.

With limited conditions, Wen Hao still decided to clean up simply. She brought back some snow and poured it into the bucket placed on the coal.

The bucket already had more than half of the water in it. After adding the snow, the water level quickly rose a bit.

Wen Hao looked at the bubbling bucket and asked the person beside her, "Do you want to take a bath?"

Guan Yi had just put the pots and bowls aside in a corner without storing them away because Wen Hao would still need them tomorrow.

Wen Hao came from a military school background, so her biological clock was very accurate. It was completely different from someone like him who stayed at home all year round and slept until naturally waking up. He couldn't get up in the morning, but Wen Hao could.

Wen Hao could also cook, but he couldn't. He couldn't even distinguish the flavors on the packaging of instant noodles. Salt and sugar were a bit difficult for him. Otherwise, he actually wanted to try taking charge of cooking.

Maybe he was distracted, he answered late, so Wen Hao asked him again.

He nodded.

He, like Wen Hao, also liked cleanliness. Basically, whatever Wen Hao wanted to do, he wanted to do as well.

After getting his affirmative answer, Wen Hao dug some more snow and poured it into the bucket, filling it up even more. After it was heated, she scooped out a basin for him to wash first, while she went out for a stroll.

Guan Yi looked at her back, his injured finger wrapped in half-wet gauze, and pursed his lips.

She didn't notice.


Wen Hao saw someone using a thermal sensor telescope during the day.

Just now, she asked Guan Yi if anyone has ever complimented him on his good looks.

The other person shook their head, seemingly unaware of their own appearance and whether they are attractive or not.

She suddenly became curious about how she appears in Guan Yi's eyes.

She had used a thermal sensor before, but never really paid attention. This time, she brought some canned food and peanuts, found the snow pit where the person with special abilities was, and casually started a conversation.

While chatting and eating, they mentioned borrowing the thermal sensor telescope. The other person readily lent it to her.

Wen Hao took the telescope, switched to thermal mode, and saw two figures sitting and lying down in the snow cave. The parts covered by clothes were gray, while the exposed skin and face were orange-red.

Facial features were not visible, only lines and blocks of different colors. The backpack in the corner could be seen, but it was a large gray block with no clear details, and the ground was also gray.

Except for areas with a heat source, everything else was a colorless gray.

The large gray and small gray formed the outline of objects, but it was not very clear, just like the uneven ground.

No wonder he always falls down when stepping on empty spaces.

Actually, it was a bit better when looking from inside the snow pit. It became even less clear when outside because the thermal sensor relies on temperature differences to show brightness and shadows, allowing the user to see objects.

With a uniform temperature outside and no buildings around, the snow was still gray. In Guan Yi's field of vision, almost everything was gray.

So, this is how it is in his world.

After looking around, Wen Hao continued to aim the telescope at people, getting very close, but still unable to see their facial features. She tried different modes, but it only changed from red to blue, and then to orange-red.

Facial features were still not visible. Moreover, people in thermal imaging mode, compared to being invisible all the time, always liked to silently stand in front of her. She would occasionally step on or bump into Guan Yi, who seemed like a ghost.

So, in Guan Yi's eyes, I am just this kind of ghostly thing.

He cannot see my appearance and looks.

It's really hard for him to face this ghostly thing every day and still be obedient, listening to her words.


Guan Yi finished washing up, just as agreed, crouching at the edge of the snow pit, making a snowball and throwing it outside. Wen Hao heard the noise and would quickly come back.

He sat on a small stool, drying his hair.

When he was putting on his clothes, the sleeve accidentally hit the basin, causing both the basin and the water inside to fall. He instinctively tried to catch it, getting his hair and body wet, and had to dry them again.

In fact, he has hydrokinetic abilities, so he doesn't need to use his hands. He can directly control the water to wrap around his body and hair, wash up, and then remove the water.

After removing the water, his body and hair are not only smoother than before, but also show no signs of being washed.

But for some reason, he didn't do that. He dried his body himself and planned to do the same with his hair.

Guan Yi pondered, perhaps because he thought of Su Yue and his teammates.

Su Yue's teammate is a Beta, tall and strong, with great strength. But it is said that he suffered from oxygen deficiency at birth and has mild mental retardation. He is often bullied and helps others carry luggage, doing the dirtiest and most tiring work.

At that time, Su Yue was teamed up with another person, while Beta followed the team alone, carrying a large pile of luggage that didn't belong to him.

When they arrived at their destination and didn't need him, they would deceive him by saying it was dangerous inside and ask him to wait there. In reality, they would never come back and just leave from the other side, essentially abandoning him and not leaving much food for him.

Su Yue couldn't stand it and gave him nutrient solution that could sustain him for about ten days, then left with the team. As a result, it was indeed dangerous inside, and everyone died or got seriously injured. When he ran out of supplies, that Beta came and carried him out.

Since then, Su Yue has been teaming up with him. The two of them cooperate seamlessly, complementing each other. Besides their combat skills, they also have a good relationship in private, often leaning on each other's shoulders, helping each other with back rubs and hair washing.

He envies that.

He also wants to be like that with Wen Hao.

Note: Revised a bit

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