Character/OC information

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Hello everyone, well, if I ever decide to publish this. So, since I always stumble apon stories I like a lot when it comes to Barb X reader stories. So, I'll just share some basic info about y/n.

Name: y/n

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: pansexual

Race: Troll
-type: Metal and Pop

Age: 20 (From what I've read about the Trolls movies, most of the characters are in their late teens and early twenties, even Poppy herself is 23-24 I believe. So I wanted the characters to be similar ages.)

Characteristics/Facial Features:
Y/n has long deep midnight purple hair which she usually keeps styled in liberty spikes. Her eyes are greenish-blue and her body colour is a light lavender purple. She has a few piercings and two tattoos. Both her ears are pierced with a double lobe and cronch piercing. And she also has snakebites (two piercings, one on each side of a person's lower lip). Her nails are short, sometimes painted because Poppy gets a little bored sometimes.

Y/n has a habit she got from her mom, which is DIYing jackets and pants with patches, pins, paint, ect... She mostly wears leather vests and leather jackets but there are a few denim ones she doesn't mind. She mostly wears either baggy band T-shirts she got from her dad or tank tops, some of which are a bit cropped. For pants it's mostly baggy fit denim shorts, sweatpants or army cargo pants. She wears fingerless gloves or a few silver rings. She has a pair of black leather combat boots that were given to her by her mother which she would never change for a different pair of shoes. She likes wearing bracelets and necklaces, especially if they're made by people who she deems important to her.

My personal cannons for my OC:

-she carries around a backpack filled with things essential to surviving in the wilderness for a few weeks

-the mom friend, carries around basic medication, bandaids, hair ties, ect..

-let's Poppy paint her nails or draw on her hand when Poppy's bored

-surprisingly handy when need be, can fix a car or any form of transport

-even though she looks scary, she's overly apologetic for random stuff (most of which wasn't even her fault)

-gets along with some kids, other than that she hates them

-a huge soft spot for animals, handmade gifts and friends (even if she hates admitting it.)

-has a habit of doing small things for people she cares about and thinks no one notices

-loves cooking for people, especially for those in need

-loves bugs from afar, has a heart attack if they start flying at her and would jump into anyone's arms

-scared as hell of wasps, just doesn't like them

-scared of tasting food she's never eaten in her life, ends up liking most of the food when she does try it

-some textures just piss her off for no apparent reason, she learned to stay away from them

-loves to tell people she cares about random facts she learned, no matter how weird they might be

-is rude as hell to people she doesn't know until she figured out the person's intentions

-knows how to do some of the most random stuff for no reason (crocheting stuffed animals for example..)

-is capable of dancing in a store with no shame but is too afraid to make a doctor's appointment

Anyways... That's all I have at this time. Dunno if I'm even gonna make this a story or not. I might make one or two chapters before deciding. Let me know what you think of the OC i guess? Btw, English isn't my first language so I apologize if there are any grammar mistakes. I'm thinking about making the next chapter about Alex's backstory, where she was born and such, how she met Poppy  and all that. And this is the first story that I'm writing, so don't expect anything magical.

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