The classical music trolls? - Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV:


As I was hiding behind a crate in the air balloon, Sheila B, I could hear Branch inhale deeply and sigh before I heard the turning of some pages.

"All right.... In a short 456 pages, I'm gonna know how to fly this thing."

I heard Branch say before pepping out from behind the crate, making sure they couldn't really see me. I saw Poppy crack her knuckles before she looked at the pad with all the electronic shit to control the ballon and said.

"Ugh, Branch, we don't need a giant, comprehensive manual."

As I made my way out from behind the crate, I could hear Poppy start to sing... Again. It was kind of a catchy tune, I'll give her that.

"How hard can it be?~ Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo. Try one of these."

Poppy sang as she poked around on the control pad. I could hear Sheila B chuckling a bit before she finally got a few words out.

"All right, Poppy! Easy on the buttons!"

Sheila said before Poppy got a little flustered before she pulled her hand back and apologised.


Poppy said before we all heard some snoring nearby, all of us turning our heads towards it.

"What was that?"

Branch asked before I had the chance to say anything. All we could heard were a few unintelligible murmurs before we saw Biggie with Mr. Dinkles who was sucking on his thumb as he slept.


Branch and Poppy asked at the same time, I was also looking at him with a slightly surprised and confused face. I mean, what the hell was he doing here too?

"Oh, hello. Sorry. I couldn't help myself. You know how I am around cotton candy."

Biggie said as he looked at the cotton candy, or what remained of it before he burped and covered his mouth as his cheeks flushed.

"Oh, dear. Now look what's happened. Mr. Dinkles got all gummed up."

Biggie said as he looked at Mr. Dinkles before I heard some squeaks and gasps before I saw Biggie hanging off of the side of Sheila, holding Mr, Dinkles in the other hand before climbing back itno the ballon as he pretty much shook with stress.

"Mr. Dinkles! Mr. Dinkles! Oh, there you are. I thought you were--"

He said before Poppy interrupted him and said.

"Oh. Right, then. We'll just be on our way--"

Biggie then screamed.

"Hey! Poppy, wh-where are you balloon-flying us to?"

Biggie asked as he looked at Poppy with wide eyes.

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