The Beginning - Chapter 1

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3rd person POV:


The day was like any other, peaceful and full of life and happiness. Little y/n was playing with her friends. They were running around while laughing their little butts off, just enjoying their lives to the fullest. Y/n tagged one of her friends, Laila, as they laughed before they fell onto the ground and ended up rolling down a small hill.

"Y/n! Lunch is ready, come eat! You can take Laila with you."

Y/n's mom yelled at the two girls with a smile on her sweet face, her smile lines a little more apparent as she aged. Which just made her look so much kind and wise. Her voice sounded just like honey, kind, gentle and melodic.

As the two girls ran up the hill to get to Y/n's mom, they laughed, their faces full of happiness. When they got there, they all sat at a picnic table under a tree. A tree where all the other trolls lived. Their village.

Elizabeth, y/n's mom, gave the girls their food, just a normal sandwich, ham, cheese and some lettuce. Elizabeth had her pink and purple hair tied up in a bun, her light lavender coloured hand giving the girls a plate to put the sandwiches on.

The girls started eating, the smiles still on their faces. Small "thank you"'s rang out from their mouths as Elizabeth handed them the plates.


A sudden scream echoed in the air as Elizabeth and her husband, who just walked out from their small hut, looked around.

"Bergens! They're here!"

Another troll screamed as Elizabeth gathered the two girls up before they all started running into the forest.

Behind them, all they heard were screams of their fellow trolls... Until they heard loud stomps behind them. The family ran through the forest before ending up on an edge, the edge of a cliff. Where little y/n wasn't paying much attention, and accidentally ended up sleeping one step too far...

As the little troll fell off the edge, all she saw were her parents and best friend getting grabbed by a Bergen and getting stuffed into a pouch.

As her body hit the stream of water below, she panicked. She didn't know how to swim very well as she desperately looked around, trying to grab onto something.

A branch from a tree floated next to her as the water pushed the little troll around the harsh rocks around her. Y/n grabbed onto the branch, and held on as strongly as she could. And then, before she could even react, her head collided with an old tree trunk. Her body went limp against the branch, which carries her to a patch of land...

She awakened soon after, only to see a small pink troll about her age standing above her before what she assumed was the pink trolls father picked her up before she blacked out again. All she heard was a little girl's voice asking:

"Dad? Will she be okay? Can I stay with her while she recovers?"

And her dad replying with a soft, concerned voice.

"Poppy, sweetie, you'll be able to watch over her in the recovery room, don't worry. Just tell me when she wakes up. So we can figure out who her parents are."

A little though ran in Y/n's head...

"The girls name is Poppy... That's a pretty name. We could become friends..?"

(Hello again, it's me again, the author. Sorry for about any mistakes there might be. I don't really proof read :). I'm also sorry for the chapter being short. Btw, no need to worry about when Y/n and Barb are going to meet, I'll make it happen in the next two or three chapters. I just wanted to get some background information about Y/n and Poppy's friendship and how it started. And I'd like to get feedback on what I wrote, so I know where to improve... Since this is my first time writing an all.)

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