who sent this?! - Chapter 5

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Barb's POV:


Me and the rest of the hard rock trolls returned back to our place, with the techno string!

"Yeah! I got the Techno string!"

I said happily as he walked inside, holding the techno string in my hand.

"Who knew world domination could be so much fun?"

I said before I chuckled and walked towards some of my friends with a couple of high fives and first bumps here and there.

"Yeah! -All right, Barb!"

Everyone cheered, obviously excited at the prospect of all the trolls under ending up under rock.

"All right!"

"Ha! Queen Barb!"

Me and a dude said as we shook hands and stuck out our tongues before chuckling as I walked to a guitar case.

The guitar case opened and inside was a beautiful guitar... I added the string, which turned red as a riff played.

"Only four more strings to go until rock unites the world."

Everyone cheers again and excited chatter fills the room.

"Dad? Where's Dad?"

I asked as I looked around, looking for my dad before I heard the toilet get flushed and my dad's wheelchair moving out of the bathroom.

"There you are, Dad."

I said, relieved that he's all good and nothing happened.

"I got the Techno string."

I said excitedly as I looked at my dad with a smile.

"Cool. What's a string ag-again?"

Thrash said, my dad, as the back up alarm started beeping.

"What? Uh... Don't you remember the plan?"

I asked confused as I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Plan? I don't remember..."

He mumbled as he looked at me.


"Great idea, man. Okay, guys, line up."

I said as I looked at every troll in the room with us before looking at my dad.

"We're gonna go over the plan again."

All the trolls muttered amongst themselves and chuckled.

"Okay. We're on a World Tour. And on each stop, we get a new string. When I have all six strings, I'll play the ultimate power chord."

An electric guitar riff rang through the air.

"And I will unite the Trolls under one music."

Queen Barb X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now