Every damn morning, or is it? - Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV:


Listen, as much as I love Poppy... Can she just go one morning without singing a song? I mean, it's nice, I love it from time to time. But not every damn morning.

I thought, a little bit annoyed, as I looked at the window, sipping my coffee before chuckling softly. As I yawned I could hear Poppy singing about being a queen, and how she has a lot of responsibility now or something.

Don't get me wrong, she does... But I don't think she knows that she isn't the only Queen.

I walked into my room, yeah, I have one of those floating house things now. Still feels a little weird not sleeping on the ground or underneath it.

I looked into my closet, thinking about what I should wear, even though there weren't many choices. I just put on some army cargo pants, fastened them around my waist with a leather belt since they'd wall off if I didn't, that is my fault for wearing baggy ass pants all the time though.

I looked through my closet before grabbing some random black tank top which I put on before grabbing a leather vest and putting it on over that. Yeah, I customized it a bit. I walked over to my desk and looked into the mirror, my hair was still down. Better fix that now I guess.

There was a pin on my desk, from Poppy and Branch. I quickly found a place to pin it to on my jacket. I ended up pinning it to my breast pocket.

"... They actually learned something from me, huh? Even if it's making damn pins. It's still a nice little gift. I should make them something too.."

I said to myself as I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror again.

Got some dark circles under my eyes again, eh, probably my slight lack of sleep because of the party Poppy had yesterday.

I thought to myself before groaning in tiredness and turning on the drop-in sink and washing my face with some cold water. I felt around the sink, trying to find my towel without opening my eyes because I like making my life harder I guess. I ended up throwing my hair brush off the countertop as I tried to find my towel, chuckling a little as I dried my face and looked at the floor to pick it up.

I brushed my hair before covering my mouth as I yawned and walking back to my room to get my cup of coffee because I forgot it. I got to my room, picked it up before putting my piercings in, and even putting on a necklace I got from my mom before... yeah.

I walked back to the bathroom as my cat walked in, her tail swinging around as she rubbed her head against my leg.

"Hi Lilith, how you doing today huh?"

I said as I scratched her head softly, petting her a little before taking a sip from my coffee as I got a rat tail comb and parted my hair into sections so I could style it into spikes. I put my cup down and covered it, before pushing Lilith out of the bathroom. I don't need her to breathe in the damn hairspray.

I closed the bathroom door before opening a window in my bathroom and pulling the tip of the section of hair up before spraying it with the hair spray until it would stay up, yeah I ended up using a hairdryer.

After almost an hour in the bathroom, finally finishing my hair, I heard a shout coming from my door as I put on a few of my rings.

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