two. do you believe in the cole effect?

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season 1, episode 1 - Welcome to Colorado (Pt. 2)

chapter two,

do you believe in the cole effect?

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do you believe in the cole effect?

KIA STILL COULDN'T believe that Issac was her partner. But for the sake of her grade, she would try to work with him. Putting on a fake smile, she turned around to face him. "So, what do you think we should do for our project?"

Issac thought for a minute. "Maybe make a solar system?"

"A bunch of other groups might do that." He rolled his eyes. "Then what do you suggest, Peters?" Kia smiled, excited to tell him her ideas. "Okay, so I have a few options: a wind turbine, water filtration system, or the effect of exercise on heart rate. Which one do you want to do?"

"Maybe the exercise idea. I think I've seen Cole work out a few times." Kia nodded, scribbling something in her notebook and quickly ripping out a page. "What are you-"

"This is my number. We can't just communicate through email, Garcia. That would be boring." Issac sighed, taking the paper and folding it in half. The bell rang, causing them to grab their stuff and head to their next class.

If you thought they'd just have science class together, then you are sadly mistaken. Much to Kia's dismay, Issac was actually very smart. Behind his sarcasm and snarky remarks was an intelligent and hardworking boy. This caused him to be in almost every single class with Kia.

LUNCH EVENTUALLY ROLLED around as Brady grabbed whatever food was available and sat with Kia and Paige.  "So how was class?" he asked as he took a bite out of his sandwich. Paige smiled, eager to tell her brother about her day so far. "It was great. We're reading 'Romeo and Juliet' in English which is kind of boring but in trigonometry, I talked to this new girl. I think her name is Jackie."

Kia on the other hand was having an awful day. "What about you, Kia?" Paige asked. "Terrible.  I got paired with Issac for a science project. I mean, the teacher wouldn't even let us switch so I'm stuck with him."

"Who knows, maybe this will be a good opportunity for you two to get along." said Brady, drinking his apple juice. Paige noticed Cole and Jackie skipping the lunch line, grabbing some food. "Hey, Jackie! Come sit with us!" she called out.

The new girl turned around, sending Paige a small wave before walking towards their table. "Hi, your Paige, right?"

"Yes. You can grab a seat next to me. This is my friend, Kia and my older brother, Brady."

"Hi." Kia greeted.  "Hi." Jackie said, softly. Brady looked at Cole and his friends, scoffing. "Brady, aren't you going to say hi?" Paige asked.

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