five. kia vs issac (round 104, homecoming huddle!)

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season 1, episode 3 - The Cole Effect

chapter five,

kia vs issac (round 104, homecoming huddle!)

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kia vs issac (round 104, homecoming huddle!)

Trigger warning!! - Greg Jones being a terrible person!! Foul language!! Viewer discretion is advised!!

TODAY WAS ONE of Kia's favorite events, the homecoming huddle.  Sure, she only really cared about the food but it was still fun. Putting on her bed slippers, she brushed her teeth and showered.  Throwing on a blue sweater, flared jeans, and white sneakers, she grabbed her backpack and went downstairs.

Her friend, Samira, was finally coming back after being sick for two days.  She saw her at school, looking sad as ever. Samira wanted a bit of space to collect her emotions which is why she didn't sit with them at lunch last Tuesday and Wednesday. Greg Jones should really count his days, she thought as she walked into the kitchen.

Brady and Paige were on their way to her first. Greeting her parents, her dad handed her a grilled cheese.  As she placed it in her lunchbox (along with other snacks), her mother plated some pancakes with sausage. Eating the delicious meal, she just hoped her heartbroken friend was okay.

Kia quickly finished her food, washing her plate and grabbing her things.  Telling her parents goodbye, she went out on the porch.  Brady's car had just arrived, parking in front.  Kia quickly walks down the stairs and opened the side door.  "Hey guys!" she exclaimed.

"Hi, Kia!" Paige exclaimed as she buckled her seatbelt. Brady gave her a quick wave, the two of them quickly putting on their seatbelts.  As Brady drove off to Samira's house, Kia turned up the radio.  "Alright" by Supergrass was playing, causing the trio to sing along.

Eventually, Brady pulled up to Samira's house.  Liam and Samira walked out the door, waving goodbye to their parents.  The older girl held a container full of cupcakes. The two sat in the back next to Paige, who gave them a big hug.

"You guys ready for today?" Brady asked, earning a 'yes' from Kia, Liam, and Paige.  "Not really." Samira stated.  Kia understood why she felt that way.  Before her and Greg started dating, he would always let her wear his jersey at the huddle.  But now that they weren't together anymore, it was going to be hard for her to forget.

Brady started the car, driving to the school. He noticed the curly haired girl in the rear view mirror, "Don't worry, Samira. We'll help you avoid him. And if he gives you problems, I won't hesitate to punch his face." Samira let out a small laugh. Brady smiled, "See! There's the Samira I know."

"Thanks, Brady. I really needed that."

Finding a spot in front of the school, the five of them grabbed their things and got out of the car. Brady locked it and placed the keys in his pocket. That's when they saw a disgusting sight.

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