seven. kia vs issac (round 105, thanksgiving edition! - pt.2)

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season 1, episode 5 - Thanksgiving

chapter seven,

kia vs issac (round 105, thanksgiving edition! - part 2)

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kia vs issac (round 105, thanksgiving edition! - part 2)

SCHOOL WAS OVER and Kia was at her locker, grabbing her stuff. The girl noticed people putting up posters for the upcoming school dance. She mentally noted that she would ask her friends if they wanted to go together. Issac walked up to her, growing impatient. "We don't have all day, Peters."

"Shut up, Garcia. I'm getting my books."

Closing her locker, the two of them walked out of the school. "Aren't you supposed to have skating practice, Peters?" Issac asked.

"Yes but my teacher canceled it since tomorrow's Thanksgiving.  Also, this gives us more time to work on our project. Wait, where's Lee?"

"He's hanging out with Samira." Issac stated. "They've been spending time together a lot lately."

Issac shrugged, "I don't know what that's about."  The two of them walked in silence until they reached the house. Knocking on the door, Alex let the two inside. As she walked in, Parker ran up to Kia, hugging her.

"Kia! Why were you gone yesterday?"

"I had skating practice after school. Me and your cousin hung out."

"That's cool! Although, I think Issac definitely l-"

"Okay, kid. That's enough sugar for you." Issac stated, shooing his younger cousin out of the room.

"Why did you cut her off?"

"We have a project to work on, Peters.  We need to stay focused."

Kia rolled her eyes, "Fine.  Is Cole here?"

"I think so.  I'll get the heart monitor and you can start filming."

"Or I can get the heart monitor and you can start filming."

Issac rolled his eyes, "I'm not doing that."

"Yes, you are."






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