nine. kia vs issac (round 106, rumor has it!)

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season 1, episode 7 - Small Town Rumors


kia vs issac (round 106, rumor has it!)

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kia vs issac (round 106, rumor has it!)

THE NEXT DAY, word about Alex punching Cole was starting to break out.  Kia could care less about the drama.  She had a presentation to put on with Issac.  Walking into science, Kia sat next to the said boy.  "Morning, Garcia."

"Morning, Peters.  You ready to present?"

"Yeah.  You?"

"I'm always ready." Issac stated, cringing.  "Forget that I said that."  Kia laughed, causing Issac to wear a small smile. Why the hell do I think her laugh is pretty?, he thought to himself.

An hour later, Issac and Kia walked out of the classroom.  They did well on their presentation, receiving an 'A'.  "Looks like we don't have to hang out anymore, Garcia.  We finished our project."

"We still do, Peters.  Remember the plan?"

"Crap, I forgot.  Does this mean I have to get pulled into whatever drama is going on with Alex and Cole?"

"No.  It isn't your business.  Plus, my Aunt Katherine would kill me if I did."

"Aw, are you starting to care about me, Garcia?"

"I mean, I guess.  We're trying to get along so of course I have to care about you.  You care about me, don't you?"

"No, Garcia."

"I think you do."

"Whatever, Garcia.  I'm hungry.  Want to come with me to the cafeteria?"

"You didn't eat anything?"

"I was rushing this morning and I forgot to eat breakfast."

"Don't you have class right now?"

"Oh yeah, I do.  I guess I'll have to wait until lunch.  Later, Garcia!"

"Bye, Peters!"

IT WAS THIRD period and Kia was starting to get really hungry.  Finishing her homework early, her teacher let her leave the classroom.  As she walked down the hallway, she noticed Issac at his locker.  "Garcia? Don't you have class right now?"

"My teacher isn't here today.  I have a free.  Also I have something for you."  Throwing her something wrapped in foil, she caught it.  "Are you trying to poison me?"

Style, Issac Garcia (Completed until Season 2!)Where stories live. Discover now