four. brady's dilemma

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season 1, episode 2 - Live A Little (Pt.2)

chapter four,

brady's dilemma!

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brady's dilemma!

BRADY'S CAR HAD driven away from the school, now headed to Pinnacle Library. Paige sat in the passenger seat, looking out the window.  Brady couldn't stop thinking about his test, ashamed to tell his parents.

Finding a spot, he took it and turned off the car.  Him and Paige unbuckled their seatbelts, grabbing their stuff and getting out.  Fishing in his pockets, he eventually found the key and locked the car.

Heading inside, they were greeted by thousands of shelves filled with books on each floor.  Felicity Harris, the librarian, was pushing a cart of books.  "Hi, Ms. Harris!" Paige said, startling the woman.  She turned around, relieved it was just the siblings.  "Hello, Paige! Brady! How are you guys?"

"We're good, Ms. Harris.  What about you?" Paige questioned.

"I'm good.  If you guys excuse me, I need to put these books away." Mrs. Harris answered.

Once the woman was gone, the two found a table and sat down.  Paige took out her computer and headphones, plugging them in.  Bored, Brady decides to go in the aisles to find a good book to read.

Meanwhile, Cole's car pulled up in front of the library.

"Why are you going here again?" Cole asked.  Jackie sighed, unbuckling her seat-belt.  "I just told you.  Mr. Briggs wants me to tutor one of his students."

The girl got out of the car, straightening her top.  "So please don't-" The boy quickly drove off.  "leave me."

She started heading up the stairs, opening the door and entering the library.

Brady was in the romance section, having trouble choosing a book.  Taking out his phone, he quickly texts his sister.


What romance book should I get?


Idk.  I'm busy.


Just recommend me something.  Please :(


Fine.  Try "Better than the Movies".


Style, Issac Garcia (Completed until Season 2!)Where stories live. Discover now