*Part Eight*

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___________Luka's POV__________

"Okay, so what did we all decide on for the project?" Eden asked, immediately getting down to business. Nathaniel, Eden, and I were all sitting on the deck with lemonade and cameras, trying to pin down our project idea. So far, we had no decisions made.

"I liked the skit idea," Nathaniel said, and Eden nodded, writing something down on her paper.

"What about you, Luka, what do you want to do? So far, we have one vote for the skit and one vote for the music video."

I shrugged, not caring what we did.

"Please pick one, this would be so much easier." She said, sipping her lemonade.

"It would be even easier if we all just did a skit," Nathaniel chimed in, and Eden rolled her eyes.

"But then we'd have to write a script and get props and act and stuff. That's too much to do in two weeks." She sighed, and I saw her line of thought. But I also saw Nathanial's point of view. I also didn't care what we did.

"Why don't we take a break and come back to this?" I offered, and Eden shook her head.

"We can't move forward until we figure this out, Luka, so we just have to pick something and then we can get to the fun stuff."

I looked to Nathaniel for support, and I could tell he wanted to get this over with too. I'd have to convince them both.

"Okay, well then let's keep talking about it, but in a different place? How about we go get ice cream?"

Nathaniel smiled and started packing up his stuff. Eden wasn't so quick to relent. She set her pen down but otherwise didn't move.

"Come on, Eden, it'll take like, ten minutes," I added, and a slight smile made an appearance.

"Fine, but y'all, we have to get this figured out before Monday, or our project is gonna be trash."

"Yes ma'am," I said with a mock salute and Nathaniel grinned.

"Come on, Eden, we're wasting time," he teased, and Eden laughed.

"Oh, shut up, Nathaniel," she retorted, still laughing. "You were twenty minutes late here, don't talk to me about time management."


<time skip; now they're at Andre's because I'm not writing them walking there>

"So, do you get to choose the ice cream, or does he just pick it for you?" Eden asked Nathaniel, confused. He smiled evilly, having only just finished filling her in on the legend surrounding Andre's ice cream.

"He picks it for you and the ice cream he picks represents your soul mate."

"Uh huh, sure. But what if he picks something nasty?"

"He won't, he's a professional."

"But what if he picks something I'm allergic to?"

"Are you allergic to certain foods?"

"No, but I could be and he wouldn't know."

"Maybe you're just allergic to love?"

"Shut up, Nathaniel."

"Make me."

I rolled my eyes. They were always bickering back and forth over everything. Thankfully, they were still friends at the end of the day, otherwise, this group would be a nightmare. Andre smiles kindly at our dysfunctional family.

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