*Part Nine*

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___________Eden's POV (later that day)_______

If I'm being honest with myself, I don't know what to think. About Luka, that is.

He's a great guy; sweet, funny, and attractive. But he also likes someone else, and up until yesterday, he thought I liked Adrien. And he wanted me and Adrien to get together so he could have a chance with his crush (Which is never gonna happen).

And then I'd offered to set him up with his crush (something that can only mean I've lost my mind), who is painfully NOT me. Clearly, Luka doesn't like me. So, the question is, do I keep liking him?

I want to say yes, because what's the harm? Except, I don't want to ruin our friendship and I really don't want him to find out and turn me down. So, no then? It seems like the only other option, but that doesn't sound appealing either. There's got to be something else I could do, but my thoughts were so sporadic these days, that it was hard to recognize a good idea from a terrible one. A little voice in my head reminded me that, according to myself, I wasn't looking for a relationship at the moment anyway. I told it to shut up.

I sighed aloud and Adrien glanced at me. This was making my brain hurt.

"Something bothering you?" Adrien asked me, and I frowned.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure how to describe it." That was a lie, I just didn't want to talk to him about it.

"Anything I can do to help?" He offered.

"Probably not, but thanks anyway. Hey, are you coming with me to Luka's band practice?"

"I can if you want," Adrien said.

"Please do, I have to video it for a project, but I don't feel like talking to Nathaniel the whole time. Plus, everyone randomly decided to be my friend after they realized I don't have a crush on you."

Adrien choked on the water he was drinking and erupted into laughter.

"They thought what?!" He wheezed, and I started to laugh uncontrollably too.

"For some reason, they thought I liked you, which is crazy, right?"

"Very crazy! You told them we're just friends, right?" He sputtered, still coughing on his water.

"I told them we were pretty much siblings, and you should have seen their faces! Anyway, now they're being super nice to me and it's kinda freaky. The only people who haven't changed are you, Luka, and Chloe, but she hates me whether I like you or not."

Actually, that's not true, Luka did try and set me up with Adrien. (Which is still so weird to think about.) So I guess it was just Adrien and Chole who didn't change.

"El, she doesn't hate you, she just, she's had a difficult upbringing, you know?" Adrien explained, trying to console me.

"Yeah, and so did my cousin, but he's a great person." I countered, and Adrien shrugged.

"Well, then you're right, she hates you."

I poked him in the arm, but he only chuckled.

"You're not helping, Adrien," I groaned.

Adrien shrugged, poking me back.

"Okay, okay, my bad. So what are we gonna do about Chloe?" He asked me, his laughter subsiding into a grin.

I sighed, "It's not Chloe I'm worried about. Sure, she's annoying, but she's not special in that regard."

Adrien's smile dropped instantly, as he registered my words.

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