Chapter 3: Unexpected Guest

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Chapter 3 is here! Phew, I've been spending a bit of time with this fanfic and getting so many ideas! I guess, I all have to write them down lol. Hope you enjoy! Also, make sure to watch the vid! It's the music vid for Forevermore. Just imagine Aqua and Zoro as those two love birds!
Everyone's P.O.V.
~The next morning~
Aqua woke up because she knew today was a big day. She and her father were going to sell more of the strawberries and vegetables. Aqua was excited to see how much they would make for today. So, Aqua dressed and cleaned up and went outside to help everyone load the baskets onto the truck.
~In the truck~
Aqua: Dad, I hope you're not mad for making a deal with Shramo-sama. It's just I can't afford to lose "La Aldeas."
Sacku: "Of course not dear, I am really proud of you actually. You stood up for all of us and proved to him it was still possible to save our home." He said while he side-hugged Aqua.
To break the silence, Sacku decided to tell some jokes to his daughter.
Sacku: "Aki, what do you call a red vegetable?"
Aqua: "A chili!"
Sacku: "Wrong."
Aqua: "Oi, then what?" She asked laughing.
Sacku: "Then a REDISH!" Aqua and him laughed a bit.
Aqua: "But Dad, what do you call a fruit with no seeds?"
Sacku: "Hmmm I dont know, dear. What?"
Aqua: "JUICY FRUIT!" (you know as in the gum)
Sacku laughed so hard that he started to cough really loud. Aqua laughed too but mostly at her father and patted his back.

~On the Strawhat's ship~.
Everyone was getting ready to go to the island. Except Zoro because he was still asleep. Luffy and Ussop decided to wake him but in a more funnier way. So they put a jetpack on Zoro (that Usopp created, but wasn't finished) so that it would fire up and he would be in the sky. Luffy and Ussop giggled at the thought. So when the jetpack was on, they pulled the rope on it and Zoro was in the sky. He awoke and was scared to death. He yelled at Luffy and Ussop to put him down but the jetpack was unsteady. Because of this, the jetpack lost control and flew sideways...on to Garago island. Nami hit Luffy and Ussop really hard saying:

Sanji: This would've never happened if that marimo wasn't asleep. When I find that moss-head, I am going to kick his butt for making Nami- san stressed.

Zoro P.O.V.
I am going to kill Luffy and Ussop for launching me up in the air and then the jetpack broke down. I just sat thinking this when I saw the fuel low and I started falling down. I saw a parachute button on the jetpack and activated it. While I was falling, I saw a truck below me and crash landed onto it.

Aqua P.O.V.
Dad and I just talked and told me more jokes as we drove along the road to the markets. I laughed at his jokes that my stomach started to hurt. Then, we felt a huge bump on the truck and heard the baskets falling. I got off the truck and looked to see what happened.

Me: "Oh no! Dad! The strawberries!"
I also saw this yellow-looking blanket and something inside it trying to stand up. Dad and I tried to help the "thing" in the blanket to keep the baskets from falling but the "thing" knocked them over and fell on the floor. When it tried to stand up again, it crushed most of the strawberries.

The yellow blanket finally collapsed on the floor..probably tired and confused.
Me: "EEEEEEEE" I screeched. "Who is this anyways!?! When I find out I'm gonna kill-
Sacku: "Wait, WAIT! Don't get near it! It might attack you!"
But it was too late..I already pulled the blanket off of the person, and I saw a green-haired man with 3 golden earrings on his left ear. I also saw swords attached to his side and a bandana tied to his left arm. I brushed some hair that covered his eyes a bit away. I just couldn't help but stare at him.

Me: "Dad, I've never seen him around here before. But he really looks familiar. Do you know him?"
Sacku: "No, dear. I've never seen him around but he does look like I've met him before.
Dad and I just stood there looking at this mysterious man. Then, he started opening his eyes, and they looked at me. After that, he tried to stand but couldn't balance because of the yellow blanket, which when I looked closer was a parachute.
Me: "Wait! Don't get up anymo-!"
Then, he fell again but on top of the strawberries.

Zoro P.O.V.
"What? Where am I? This is how I felt when I hit the ground. I heard the voice of a girl. She sounded annoyed but when she pulled the covers of the parachute it's like I couldn't look anywhere else but her. Until I got up and lost my balance again, I just laid there.

Aqua P.O.V.
We laid the man in the trunk so we could bring him to the farm. I took his swords so he could be more comfortable while he rested. "Urgggggg, I can't believe most of our strawberries were ruined because of him. Now we have lost at least 4,000 beri. What can we do now?"

~Time Skip~
Aqua P.O.V.
The man woke up and we all looked up at him. He asked as who we are and where he was. We thought that he had amnesia but he told us he was fine. Camie complimented him on his handsomeness. I just glared at him.

Zoro P.O.V.
I was in a strange place with strange people. That blue-haired girl was there again; I wonder what she was upset about. They asked me what I remembered, and I told them all I knew. They also asked me if I was injured and I told them I was ok.
Aqua: "Great you're ok, now pay up."
I looked at the beautiful blue-haired girl with confusion.
Me: For what?
Aqua: "Don't you remember? You destroyed our strawberries by stepping and crushing them!" She growled.
Me: "I'm not paying. It's not even my fault" I replied.
Aqua: "Then who's fault is it?"
Me: "The wind."
Aqua: "Can I even make the wind pay!?!?"
Me: "Then it was your fault! You were at the bottom of my landing spot."

Aqua P.O.V.
Arghhhhhh! I just want to strangle him! I mean, it was his fault that he ran out of fuel and crash landed onto the truck. Then, he crushed all the strawberries! Father and I are headed to the road where the strawberries spilled to collect what we had left. When we saw the strawberries, most of them were crushed but I just collected the ones which were ok. I tried to think of what we could do with the rest of the ruined berries. Aha! I know!

Me: "Dad! Why don't we make strawberry jam out of the crushed strawberries?
Sacku: "Why didn't I think of that! Sure!"
When Dad and I got back to the farm, everyone helped make the jam. We sat the man down to be watched by me and Rodo. I helped wash the crushed berries and crush them even more to make a jam texture. Ava and Serena-san helped cook the jam and I watched how they did it to make jam myself sometime. Later, we all sat down to ask the man more questions like: where he came from, who he was. He told us his name was Roronoa Zoro. "Where have I heard that name before?" And he was the swordsman of the Strawhat pirates. "Hm..pirates, brings back memories of Mama. And did he say swordsman?! So, I'm not gonna be the only one anymore." :)

That night, we took Zoro to a little tree house to sleep in. It was cold that night so we gave him a blanket and a pillow.
Zoro: "Isn't this wrong? You people could get sued or worse."
Everyone just stayed quiet and left when they finished preparing Zoro's place. I stayed behind for a little bit just for him to say:
Zoro: "Hey. What you guys are doing is illegal."
Me: "Zoro, we are not bad people. We are just taking back what you took from us. Especially now, since our lives depend on those strawberries."
I left his place to go inside my and Dad's house. I looked at my piggy bank with money savings for art supplies and sighed.
"I'm sorry, piggy but I have to withdraw the money from you, ok? But don't worry when we pay Shramo-sama, I'll save up double for you." I said while I hugged my piggy bank before I put the money in the box for Shramo-sama.
So, that was Chapter 3! This is the longest I've done yet! Well, stay tuned for Chapter 4 peeps!

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