Chapter 8: Pirates

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Chapter 8 is here! Aqua will be awesome during this chapter! Hope you enjoy!


Everyone P.O.V.

The bandits charged at Zoro and Aqua while they fought them off. The two fought with their swords and Aqua used her Devil Fruit power too.
Aqua: "Mizu Mizu No Slash!" This attack made water slip from the sword and fire at the bandits while Aqua slashed at them. It caused severe injuries to the enemy. Zoro and the Strawhats were amazed.

Luffy, Chopper, Usopp: "SUGOIIII!"

Camie and Sacku ran to Aqua ready to fight. (Camie has the power to manipulate wind because she ate the Kaze Kaze no Mi. Sacku has no devil fruit but he is a talented swordsman.)

Camie: "Jetstream!" This attack uses wind to pierce enemies and knock them out.

Sacku used his swords to beat down the bandits and does lots of damage. Then for the finishing move, Camie and Aqua held hands.

Camie and Aqua: "HURRICANE!" This was the finishing move that wiped out every single bandit on the farm.

Everyone cheered because the bandits have been defeated.

Aqua: "Hope this teaches you a lesson to never mess with us again" she said flipping her hair behind her shoulder. The Strawhats looked at her with amazement.

Nami: "How did you do that, Aqua!? That was amazing!" she said while everyone nodded.

Aqua: Well when I was 7, I trained with Zoro to become a swordsman and later on, I ate the Mizu Mizu no Mi fruit.

Zoro: "Ahh, so that's how you got those water powers."

Aqua: Yup, but the sucky thing is Camie and I can't swim in seawater.

Robin: "Yes, part of being a devil fruit user." she said while Aqua and her chuckled.

Sacku: Good job everyone. Now let's go to the tree table for lunch.

Luffy: YAY Lunch!

~Later that night~

Everyone P.O.V.

Aqua sat thinking about what happened that day with the strawberry and Zoro. She thought if the legend really was true and what would happen to her and Zoro. Robin, Nami, and Camie walked up to Aqua and sat next to her.

Camie: "Why hello there, Mrs. Roronoa!" I blushed.

Robin: "Soo Aqua, is the legend really true about the strawberry of love? That you and Zoro will be destined for love?" She said smiling.

Aqua: I-I dont know.

Camie: "Oh it is! When Aqua was as young as me, she couldn't stop talking about it!" She said nudging my shoulder.

Aqua: Well yeah, but when I was a little kid.

Nami: ~~~"But you never know~~~It could be true"~~~

Aqua: You guys, its impossible! We can't be together because you guys are pirates: I'm just a farmer girl.

Camie: Well yeah, but how bout Romeo and Juliet or Cinderella and the Prince? They were from different worlds, but they ended up together!

Nami and Robin nodded.

Robin: And you would look so cute together. Let's see: Zoro and Aqua, you both could be ZoQua!
I smiled at the thought and everyone else giggled.

Zoro P.O.V.
I sat with the crew at the tree table talking.
Usopp: Soooo Zoro, you seem to know a lot about Aqua. Have any other info about her?
Me: Well, she was a student at the same dojo I trained in. We became friends and trained together, until she had to leave the island.
Chopper: "And you're happy to see her again?" I nodded while he and Usopp started smirking at me.
Usopp: Do you know why she had to leave?
Me: Yeah, her mom was a pirate and received a bounty. The marines would eventually find Aqua and her father so they had to move to this island so they wouldn't be captured by them.
Luffy: SUGOII!! So she's a water woman, a swordswoman, grows the best strawberries, and mom was a pirate!!! I want her to be part of the crew.
I felt so happy that Luffy felt that way too (about Aqua joining the crew). We just need Aqua's answer and I hoped it would be a "yes."

~The next day~
Everyone P.O.V.
Aqua made her way to the tree table with Zoro. He just couldn't wait for Luffy to ask her to join the crew.
Zoro: Aqua, Luffy has something to ask you after breakfast.
Aqua: "Oh okay." She said with a small smile.

~After breakfast~
Sanji: "Ahhhh Aqua-chan! You are the queen of strawberry jam!" He said while Aqua smiled.
Aqua: "Arigatou Sanji-kun!"
Usopp: "Luffy, don't you have something to ask Aqua?" He said while he nudged Luffy.
Luffy: Oh, right! Aqua, you are pretty awesome; will you join our pirate crew!?
Aqua: Really! You're asking me to join!? B-but I don't wanna be a burden to your crew and I know nothing about pirates.
Luffy: "Then, we'll teach you!" Luffy said with excitement.
Zoro: "Yeah!" He said while smirking at Aqua.
Aqua: "Hmm. I don't know yet. I'll think about it."
Luffy: Ok!

Aqua P.O.V.
I can't believe it! They actually asked me to be a part of their crew! From the bottom of my heart I really wanted to join. Plus, I get to be with Zoro! (Aqua: as a best friend don't get any gf or bf thoughts ok?) But what about La Aldea, everyone, and father and mother?
Sooo this was Chapter 8! Sorry if it was a bit shorter. Chapter 9 coming soon!

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