Chapter 5: Aqua's Past

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Hi Guys! So today's chapter will be a bit different because it will be about Aqua's past! So I hope you enjoy this chapter!
The young blue-haired girl ran with all her might to catch up with her older best friend.
Aqua: "Kuina! Hold on! You know I can't run as far as you!"
Kuina: "Oops, sorry Aqua. You alright? Plus it's good exercise!"
Aqua: "True, but speaking of exercise shouldn't you be in the dojo by now? Your father might be calling you."
Kuina: "Oh yeah. But I don't wanna leave! It's so fun here! Plus, that little boy, Zoro is going to challenge me again."
Aqua: "Zoro, again? I feel kinda bad for him; he keeps challenging you but he always loses. Well Kuina, I'll see you tomorrow okay? Good Luck with your training!"
Kuina: "Bye, bestie!"

Kuina P.O.V.
I made my way back to the dojo where my father and the students were. When I came in the dojo, I was challenged to fight with a grown man. I beat him without breaking a sweat. The other students looked at me with amazement and fear. "But she's a girl" one of them said. I growled. When I was about to leave to wash up, a voice of a boy came from behind me.
Zoro: "Hey, Kuina! Aren't you forgetting to fight me today? I trained extra hard!"
I sighed and took my stance while Zoro took his. My father signaled us the right time to fight and Zoro lunged first at me while I blocked his swords. I knocked the swords out of his hands and hit him hard on his side. When the fight ended, I left the dojo and washed up. When I was about to go to bed that night, I held the bracelet that Aqua gave me as a symbolism of our friendship. I was lucky to have a friend like Aqua; always there to care for me even when I feel down. And I wish she could come and train with me here in the dojo; but her family couldn't afford it. I put the bracelet on my table and went to sleep.
~The next morning~
Kuina P.O.V.
I woke up early and ate breakfast with Father. I told him that I was going to Aqua's house to train and he approved. I grabbed my wooden sword and my bracelet to take to Aqua's house. When I reached her home, she greeted me out front and Aqua was wearing the matching bracelet I gave her. We suggested that we train in an open space so we asked Aqua's father if we could go to the park. Aqua's father said yes. When we got to the park, Aqua and I practiced different techniques with our swords. We also fought one battle and it lasted for almost 2 hours. That amount of time means that she and I have the same amount of strength. I am so proud of her; a girl younger than me and as strong as me. That night, Aqua and I walked to the dojo to ask if she could join. My father approved but she had to prove herself worthy to be in the advanced classes if Aqua could defeat an advanced student. And Aqua did. Zoro watched Aqua's fight with awe and I smirked evilly at him signaling to watch out for her.

Zoro P.O.V.
What the heck!? A girl -beautiful- ;she is like as strong as Kuina! And she's younger than me! I guess I've got new competition also. I'm gonna have to train extra hard.

Kuina P.O.V.
When I was going to say goodnight to my father, I heard him talking with a master about who will take over the dojo. The master suggested that I should be the one since I'm the only child. But my father said that I would never be able to do that because I am a female. I slammed the doors opened and said:

Me: Father!
Father: Kuina! It's not polite to eavesdrop, dear.
Me: I'll show you I can! I will become the world's greatest swordsman!
Father: Kuina, as a girl, you have no chance of becoming the world's greatest swordsman.

I looked at my father with anger and shock. I walked away crying and met up with Aqua.
Aqua: "Kuina! What happened?! Why are you crying?" She said as she hugged me and we sat down.
Me: "M-my father told me that women can never be the greatest swordsman in the world. He said that he cannot entrust me with the dojo b-because I'm a girl." I said with tears dripping down my face.
Aqua: That's nonsense! What can men do that women can't?

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