Chapter 7: Change

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Everyone P.O.V.
~Time Skip~

Zoro and Aqua walked around the village after they ate at the restaurant. They talked and laughed as they walked. Everyone stared at them, thinking that they were a couple. Zoro and Aqua made their way to a stage where dancers were performing.

Aqua: "Ooh! A dance show! C'mon Zoro, let's go see." She grabbed Zoro's arm.
Zoro: "These dancers are nothing compared to us, right Aqua?" Nudging her shoulder.
Aqua: "Heh, heh yeah. You still remember that?"
Zoro: "Of course I do." Zoro said while he and Aqua went into a flashback.

The young blue haired girl practiced her dance with a sad look on her face. Aqua had entered a talent show competition and was assigned to dance with a partner (to be specific: a boy). Her partner broke his leg and couldn't even stand up. Sacku, Zoro, and some of the students watched her as she danced with a frown.

Zoro: "Mr. Sacku, is it okay if I can be Aqua's dance partner? She looks really sad and I want to cheer her up!"
Sacku: "Thank you very much, Zoro. I'm sure Aqua would enjoy it. Do you know the routine?"
Zoro: "Yup. I've seen Aqua and her partner practice so much, I memorized it!" He said while smiling.

Zoro walked up to Aqua and took his position as her new partner. They practiced and at the end, Zoro carried Aqua on his shoulders; he and Aqua performed the routine perfectly. Aqua hugged Zoro thanking him for being her partner. He just blushed lightly.

~End of flashback~
Aqua: "Ahhh, memories."
Zoro: "Yeah, it seems relaxing thinking about them."
Zoro realized that the dancers started bowing and the audience started to leave. He also noticed a familiar song that was playing: it was his and Aqua's song! Zoro grabbed Aqua's hand and ran to the stage.
Aqua: What are you doing, Zoro?
Zoro: "I am going to see if you and I remember that dance. First one to forget loses", he said as he laughed (but deep in his heart he wanted to dance with Aqua again).
Aqua: "Alright, you're on!" (Her heart was jumping with glee to dance with her partner again).

As Zoro and Aqua waited for a beat to start, Aqua started dancing when she heard one. She looked at Zoro signaling that it was his turn to dance with her. They danced like birds flying gracefully. Aqua smiled and laughed while Zoro did the same. They didn't even forget one single move. Also, the audience started to build up, but the dancers didn't notice since they looked at each other the whole entire time. At the end, Zoro and Aqua did their finishing move: he held Aqua's waist and carried her to the top of his shoulders. They threw their arms in the air and saw the audience clapping.

(To see the actual dance from Forevermore go to this link: and skip to 11:10 and watch till 13:00. :))

Unaware that the dancers had an audience, Aqua slipped from Zoro's shoulders landing on her feet. They both blushed and bowed. When they started walking home to La Aldeas, they laughed at what they just experienced at their "performance." Zoro and Aqua agreed that they both won the challenge that Zoro made and felt warm in their hearts how they never forgot their dance (after about 8 years).

~Zoro and Aqua finally at La Aldeas~ (night time)
Zoro: Hey Aqua, thanks for today. I had fun." He said smiling.
Aqua: "No problem. I had fun too. Well tomorrow will be another day of work, so get some rest okay? Goodnight Zoro." She said waving and walking away.
Zoro: "Goodnight Aqua."Love you and Sweet dreams." He thought.

Zoro P.O.V.
I made my way back to my tent (Aqua gave Zoro a tent to sleep comfortably in) but I saw the crew gathered around a fire with Camie, Sally, Mr. Sacku, and mostly everyone.

Nami: Sooo how did your date go with your girlfriend tonight, Zoro?

I blushed as red as a strawberry when Nami said that.
Camie: "But Zoro, I heard you did call it a date when Aqua asked you." She said smirking at Robin and Nami. I blushed even harder.
Sally, Camie, Robin, Nami: Musically: "Zoro has a girlfriend! Zoro has a girlfriend!" Everyone started to laugh and that pervy cook just had one glare at me.
Me: Dammit! Just shut up!" I went inside my tent and fell asleep.

~The next day~

Zoro P.O.V.
I woke up and went to where everyone was gathered. I looked around the farm but I couldn't find Aqua. Everyone was already working and I saw..the crew working with them?!

Me: (to the crew) "Wow, you guys learned how to farm!?" I said laughing.
Nami: "Yes, what do you think we were doing while you were gone yesterday? Plus, this is all your fault!" She said looking at me with a deadly glare while I sweatdropped.
Luffy: "This is actually pretty fun! But Sacku, I can't find any strawberries!"
Sacku: "Cause we are in the lower part of the farm, strawberries take longer to grow here. We are just going to check if any grew."

Me: Sacku, is Aqua here yet?

Sacku: Oh, she's just getting ready. She'll be here in a few minutes.

I bent down and checked if any strawberries were growing. Then, I saw a tint of red hiding underneath a leaf. I checked under the leaf and found a weird looking strawberry.
Me: Sacku, I found a strawberry!
Sacku: You did? You can pick it off, we can't sell it anyway, because it's just one strawberry.

I held the strawberry up and everyone looked at it. (it's a strawberry with two attached and they form a heart)

Me: "But, why does it look like this?" Everyone's (except the Strawhat crew) eyes widened and they gasped.

Grandfather Dosol: "Well I don't believe it! It's the strawberry of love!"

Strawhats: The strawberry of what know?!

Camie and Sally: Of love!!!!

Avamilla: "You know of all the years I've been here in La Aldea, I've never found a strawberry of love." She said as she smiled and I handed the strawberry to her.

Me: Avamilla, that strawberry can be yours if you want.

Avamilla: "Awww thanks dear, but let me tell you this: One who finds a strawberry of love must eat one half and whoever eats the other half will be destined to love each other." She said as she handed the strawberry back to me.
Me: Well then, maybe I'll just eat the whole thing.
Grandfather Folso: "Then you will love yourself forevermore!" Everyone chuckled.
Sacku: But the important thing is that Zoro should taste the strawberry so we could find out if our strawberries are good this year. So go on and taste it.

I ate one half of the strawberry and it was the sweetest one I have tasted. Rodo asked me if he could see and I held it down so he could.

Everyone P.O.V.
Then, Aqua appeared almost out of nowhere and saw the strawberry that grew in the lower parts of the farm.
Aqua: Wow! A strawberry grew here! Can I taste!?
She grabbed the strawberry (not knowing that it was the strawberry of love and Zoro ate the other half) from Zoro's hand and ate the half.
Aqua: "Mmmm! It's so sweet!" She said as everyone stared at her.
Aqua:" What happened?"
Rodo: "Why did you eat the other half of the strawberry of love?!" He asked with a pouty face.
Aqua: Didn't you eat one half of it too? Then I will love you Rodo forever and ever!" She said as she pinched his cheeks.
Rodo: But I'm not the one who ate the half!
Aqua: Then..who did?
Everyone pointed at Zoro and Aqua stared at him with embarrassment. She and Zoro blushed while the other girls started giggling.
Luffy: Ahahaha! So Zoro, you're gonna love Aqua forevermore?
Sanji: Aqua-saan, you love meee and not marimo head right?
Zoro and Aqua just blushed even more. Until they heard the sound of flaring gunshots. Aqua and Zoro rushed to see who was flaring them.
Banit Leader: Well well well, if it isn't the beautiful swordswoman, Aqua. Looks like you've had a great harvest of strawberries! Men, gather up all of it!
Aqua: Never!
Zoro: "Wait, Aqua where are your swords?!" As he said this, something appeared in Aqua's hands: two swords brought in by a gust of water. "Huh?!"
Sooo that was Chapter 7! Wasn't it so romantic? Chapter 8 coming soon! :D

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