Chapter 4: The Swordsman

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Hi Guys! Woo, Chapter 4. Gotta get to work! Hope you enjoy it!
~On Garago island with the Strawhats~
Luffy P.O.V.
When we landed on the island, I was eager to find Zoro. I mean it was funny and all when we launched Zoro, but now I kinda regret it.
Me: "ZORO!!!! WHERE ARE YO-" I was hit on the head by Nami.
Nami: "Baka! You can't just yell out his name! The villagers will think we're crazy and maybe even suspect us. Plus, I don't even think he can hear you."
Robin: "Miss Navigator, I read that the Log Pose takes about 1-2 weeks to reset and point to the next island. So I guess we'll have enough time to find the Swordsman and explore the island a bit."
Nami: "That's great Robin! Now, lets go find Zoro but we'll have to stay together because of how big this island is."

Aqua P.O.V.
I was already awake when Zoro woke up. He sleeps pretty long... Anyway, today everyone helped to make some more jam. I watched Zoro, so he wouldn't escape without finding a way to pay us back. Also, I heard my father and the others talking about how they will give up many of their things to make more money for the 30,000 beri. I got up from my seat and checked the green-haired man. My father and the others pulled me back from him.
Sacku: "Aqua, what are you doing? Why are you attacking Zoro like that?"
Me: "Dad, we shouldn't be the ones giving up our things! Him!" I pointed to Zoro. "He should be the one paying us back!" I said with tear-filled eyes.

Zoro P.O.V.
The blue-haired girl started checking me like a security guard would. I could see that she was angry and tears formed in her eyes. I actually feel bad for her that she and her family are suffering because of me. I tried to lay a hand on my swords but I saw that they weren't there by my side. "Crap! Did I drop them when I was in the sky with the jetpack?!"

Aqua P.O.V.
I felt more calm as I sat with Camie and Sally talking about Zoro. I said that I was mad at him for ruining the strawberries but sorry that I yelled at him. I decided to apologize to the swordsman and they said that was the best thing to do. So I went to my room and opened the closet. I reached for Zoro's swords that I had been hiding so he wouldn't attack us and try to escape; because I felt this swordsman is the strong type. While holding them, one sword caught my eye. The white sheath and handle couldn't be mistaken. This is the legendary sword: the Wado Ichimonji.

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