Chapter 9: Dreams and Family

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Hallo!!!! Chapter 9 is here! Hope you enjoy!
Everyone P.O.V.
Aqua asked her father about the whole "being a pirate" thing.
Aqua: "Dad, can I ask you something?" She said in a nervous tone.
Sacku: Sure hun, what is it?
Aqua: "Well, Luffy asked me if I wanted to join his crew. And I had to ask you first if you'll be okay with whatever choice I make." Sacku was shocked to hear that his daughter was being called to be a pirate. But he knew that Aqua was big enough to make her own choice.
Sacku: "Aqua of course, I will always be supportive of what you will choose. Just follow your heart!"
Aqua: "Thanks Dad!" She said while hugging her dad tightly.
Aqua's mind was set. She was ready to become a Strawhat!

~Timeskip 1 hour
Sacku: "Avamilla, I don't know what life would be here like without Aqua." He sighed.
Avamilla: Sacku, I know it will be hard and different without her but she's following in her mother's footsteps! She will be a brave pirate; I'm sure of it!
Sacku: "You're right, Avamilla. Also, Aqua did always look like her mother: beautiful, glowing eyes, and an optimistic personality. I just hope Aqua won't meet the same fate her mother did (which was die while being a pirate). " He said as he recalled at what happened. Avamilla tried to comfort him.
Avamilla: "Don't worry. She won't meet the same fate. Besides, she's got a strong, young green-haired man to look after her." She said while they laughed.

~Late Afternoon~
Everyone P.O.V.
After Aqua told everyone that she was going to be a pirate, they were sad at first, but happy that Aqua will adventure out to the sea. So they all planned to make a huge dinner to celebrate; but it was a surprise to the Strawhats. They worked really hard to make the food before sundown. And they did!

~That Night~ (sorry if there's a lot of time-skips :3)
The Strawhats were surprised at the huge dinner that was prepared.
Luffy: "WOW!! So much food!" He said with stars in his eyes and drool dripping from his mouth.
Zoro: Yeah there's so much. What's this for?
Aqua: Oh you'll see!
Everyone sat down and ate. As usual, Luffy ate so much and even grabbed meat from other's plates. Aqua just laughed while everyone fought for their food. After dinner, Sacku made an announcement to everyone at the table.
Sacku: Everyone! May I please may have your attention? We, the farmers at La Aldea hope that you, Strawhats enjoyed your dinner. But as you asked, there are two reasons for why we prepared this.

Sacku: "First, the debt of Zoro has been paid off!" Everyone cheered when they heard this.

"And second is about our dear Aqua. Earlier, Luffy asked her if she could be part of their crew and she told me about it. Of course I was a little worried at first, but I made a decision to support her no matter what choice she makes." Aqua started tearing up while everyone smiled.

"And the choice she made was to join the crew. So Aqua, we will all miss you and be brave out at sea!" Aqua ran to Sacku and gave him a big hug while everyone cheered.

Zoro P.O.V.

Yes! She joined! I can't wait to sail out with her! I bet she will be a great partner of mine.

Luffy: "YAY AQUA!!!!" He said while he stretched and wrapped his arms around Aqua and the crew. Aqua was between Zoro and Luffy in their little hug.

Farmers: Awwwwww...


Luffy: Nami are we ready to set sail yet?

Nami: Actually, yeah we are. I didn't notice until now. The Log Pose is pointing to the next island!

Luffy: Yosh! Aqua, we'll be sailing tomorrow! Make sure you're ready ok?

Aqua: "Ok! See you all tomorrow!" She said as we all smiled and waved back.

Aqua P.O.V.

I was packing my clothes into a tiny backpack while I was thinking how life would be as a pirate. Then, I came across a picture of Kuina and me. I sat down and looked at the picture while a tear rolled down my face.

Me: "Kuina, I'm going to be a pirate now. Thanks so much for taking care of Zoro. I have met one of the best nakama and I promise I will be loyal to them and become stronger to protect them. So, I'll always keep them, everyone in La Aldea, Mama, and you in my heart." I smiled and put the picture in my bag. I finished packing and went to bed.

~The next day~

Aqua P.O.V.

I made my way to Luffy and the others with everyone in La Aldea. I was wearing my mother's necklace she had given me before she left with my sister to be a pirate.

Everyone in La Aldea made their way to the Strawhat's ship. It was pretty cool: it had a ram head and I think I saw tangerine trees!

Nami: "Minna! Aqua is here!" She said as she pointed and everyone ran outside. Zoro got off the ship and ran towards me.

Sacku: Aqua, before you go we have a little gift for you.

Sacku held a tray with small plants growing.

Sacku: "They are strawberries from La Aldea. So you will never forget us."

Aqua hugged her father and everyone gathered around her.

Me: Thank you everyone! I will never forget you!

Zoro carried the tray while I carried my bag. We made our way inside the ship where everyone welcomed me!

Chopper and Usopp: Welcome to the Going Merry!


Luffy: "Aqua! You brought strawberries!?" He said when trying to grab one and was hit on the head by Nami.

Nami: Baka! They're not ready yet! Don't you see they are still green?

I chuckled and looked at Robin who was smiling at me.

Robin: Great to have you on board, Aqua.

Me: Arigatou minna!

Then, Luffy called out to get ready to set sail. As the ship started moving away, I looked at Garago Island one more time and waved back at everyone who was saying goodbye.

Sacku: (thinking to himself) Larissa, please take care of her.

Zoro: "I'm actually going to miss those guys." He said while putting an arm around my shoulder.

Aqua: "Me too." I said while sighing and enjoying Zoro's warm arm on my shoulder.


Hello again! Did you like this chapter? I know I did while writing it!

Attention all readers:

I will be making a new story separate from this but it will still be about Aqua and the Strawhats. It will be like a special movie of One Piece, but a story. It will be called "Bonds of Family." The reason why it will be a separate story is because I am basing it off of Frozen. I know, I know you can hate me for basing One Piece stories off of original stories. But, I enjoy writing them lol. Sooo make sure to read it! Btw I am still going to continue writing this story after my special is finished.
Oh and fyi Larissa is Aqua's dead mother.

Peace out!

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