Chapter 2: Argument and Hiding

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Yoongi's voice echoed through the house, laced with disappointment and frustration. "Sullyoon, you promised me you would take the twins to the zoo today! They were so excited about it, and now you've let them down again."

Sullyoon stood in the doorway, her shoulders slumped, her face etched with guilt. "Yoongi, I know I promised, but a major case came up at work, and I couldn't get out of it. I'm so sorry."

Yoongi's anger simmered beneath the surface. "Sullyoon, this is the third time this week you've had to cancel something with the twins because of work! They need you, Sullyoon! They need your time, your attention, and your love. But you're always too busy with work!"

Sullyoon's voice trembled with emotion. "I know I haven't been there for them as much as I should, Yoongi. But I am trying. I am trying to balance my work with my family life."

Yoongi's expression softened. "I know you are, Sullyoon. And I appreciate that. But you need to try harder. Our children need us, both of us. And we need to be there for them, no matter what."

Sullyoon nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I know, Yoongi. I'll try to make more time for our children. I promise."


Yoongi's face grew red with anger as he listened to Sullyoon's repeated promises. His frustration had been mounting for weeks, fueled by Sullyoon's constant prioritization of work over their family. The latest incident, where Sullyoon had once again missed an important event with their children, had pushed him over the edge.

"Sullyoon, how many times do I have to tell you?" Yoongi shouted, his voice trembling with rage. "You are always putting your work first, and you are neglecting our children!"

Sullyoon flinched at Yoongi's outburst, her eyes welling up with tears. "I know I've been making mistakes, Yoongi," she pleaded. "But I'm trying to change. I'm trying to be a better mother."

Yoongi shook his head, his anger unrelenting. "Empty promises won't change anything, Sullyoon! Your actions speak louder than your words. And your actions are showing me that you don't care about our family as much as you say you do."

Sullyoon's tears flowed freely, her voice choked with emotion. "That's not true, Yoongi! I love our children more than anything in the world. But I also have a responsibility for my career. I can't just abandon everything I've worked for."

Yoongi's anger intensified, his frustration boiling over. "Your career is not more important than our children, Sullyoon! They need you, and they deserve your time and attention. But you're always too busy chasing your next promotion, your next big case. You're letting your ambition consume you, and it's destroying our family!"

Sullyoon's heart shattered. She had never seen Yoongi so angry, and his words struck a deep chord within her. She knew that he was right. She had been neglecting her family, and her career had become her obsession.

"Yoongi, I'm so sorry," Sullyoon sobbed, her voice barely a whisper. "I promise I'll change. I'll make time for our children, and I'll never let work come before our family again."

Yoongi stared at Sullyoon, his expression softening slightly. He wanted to believe her, but the pain of her past actions was still fresh in his mind.

"I want to believe you, Sullyoon," Yoongi said, his voice laced with doubt. "But I need to see your actions speak louder than your words."

Behind the heated argument between Yoongi and Sullyoon, the twins, Yujin and Sung-hoon, watched in silent fear and confusion. Yujin, the younger of the two, clung tightly to her beloved cat plushies, her small frame trembling with sobs. Sung-hoon, the older brother, instinctively wrapped his arms around his twin, trying to shield him from the harsh words and the palpable tension that filled the room.

Yoongi's voice boomed like thunder, his words laced with anger and frustration, echoing through the once peaceful home. Sullyoon's voice trembled as he tried to defend herself, his tears flowing freely, but Yoongi's tirade drowned his words out.

Yujin's sobs grew louder, his face buried in the soft fur of her cat plushies. He didn't understand the grown-ups' words, but he could feel the anger and the sadness that permeated the air. He felt scared and alone, his little heart aching with confusion and fear.

Sung-hoon, the more mature of the two, tried to remain strong for his brother. He held Yujin close, his arms providing a sense of security and comfort. He knew that his brother was sensitive and easily upset, and he wanted to protect him from the emotional turmoil that was unfolding before them.

As the argument reached its peak, Sung-hoon felt a surge of protectiveness towards his twin. He covered Yujin's ears, trying to block out the hurtful words and the storm of emotions that raged around them. He wanted to shield his brother from the pain, to create a safe haven in the midst of the chaos.

The twins huddled together, their bond stronger than ever in the face of adversity. They found solace in each other's presence, their connection providing a sense of hope and resilience.

"I hope I can protect you from any harm," Sung-hoon said as both twins went into slumber.

As the storm of emotions subsided, Yoongi and Sullyoon found themselves standing in the doorway of their children's bedroom. The sight that greeted them was a stark contrast to the chaos that had just unfolded.

Their twin sons, Yujin and Sung-hoon, lay peacefully slumbering, their small bodies curled up together in a warm embrace. Yujin's cat plushies were scattered around them, their soft fur providing a comforting cushion for their slumber.

Yoongi and Sullyoon exchanged a glance, their hearts filled with a mixture of guilt, remorse, and love. They realized that their argument had taken a toll on their children, and the sight of their innocent slumber filled them with regret.

Yoongi's anger melted away, replaced by a wave of tenderness. He gently picked up Yujin, cradling the sleeping child close to his chest. Sullyoon carefully scooped up Sung-hoon, her touch light and soothing.

As they carried their children back to their own bedroom, Yoongi and Sullyoon made a silent vow to themselves. They would never let their disagreements come between them and their children again. They would put their family first, cherishing the precious moments they had together.

In the tranquil glow of the moonlight, Yoongi and Sullyoon tucked their sons into bed, their hearts filled with renewed love and determination. They watched as their children's peaceful breaths filled the room, a soothing melody that calmed their troubled souls.

With their children safe and sound, Yoongi and Sullyoon retreated to their own room, their hearts heavy with the weight of their actions. They knew that it would take time to heal the wounds they had inflicted, but they were committed to rebuilding their family and creating a home filled with love, laughter, and harmony.

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