Chapter 3: Obsession occur

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As Jungkook's car sped through the bustling streets of Seoul, his thoughts were consumed by the enchanting presence of Seokjin. Her radiant smile, her infectious laughter, and the melody of her sweet voice echoed incessantly in his mind. The lingering memories of their recent interactions painted a vivid picture in his heart, each detail fueling his growing affection for her.

Seokjin's genuine warmth, and kindness had left an indelible mark on Jungkook's soul. Her ability to radiate positivity and infuse every moment with joy was simply mesmerizing. He found himself, replaying every conversation they'd shared, savoring the sound of her laughter and the sparkle in her eyes.

Her voice, like a soothing melody, danced through Jungkook's thoughts, each note weaving a tapestry of emotions. He could almost hear her humming a tune, her voice as melodious as a songbird's serenade. The gentle cadence of her speech was like a balm to his soul, calming his racing thoughts and easing his worries.

As Jungkook's journey continued, the city lights seemed to blur, their brilliance overshadowed by the radiant glow of Seokjin's presence in his mind. He yearned for her company, for the warmth of her smile and the comfort of her presence. His heart ached with a longing he couldn't quite define, a yearning for a connection that transcended mere friendship.

Jungkook walked into the bustling office, his heart still buzzing from his recent encounter with Seokjin. The energy of the room was infectious, and Jungkook couldn't help but smile as he greeted his coworkers.

"Hey, Jungkook!" one of his coworkers and the artist of the company , So-hee, called out. "Welcome back!"

Jungkook grinned. "Thanks, So-hee. It's good to be back."

So-hee gave him a playful nudge. "So, I heard you had quite the adventure on your ride back."

Jungkook chuckled. "Let's just say I had a lot to think about."

So-hee raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Do tell."

Jungkook laughed. "Sorry, So-hee. It's nothing I can share just yet. But trust me, it was an experience I'll never forget."

So-hee pouted. "Fine, be that way." But she couldn't hide her curiosity. "Well, whatever it is, I hope it made you happy."

Jungkook's smile widened. "It did."

As Jungkook settled into his work, he couldn't help but steal glances at the bracelet that Seokjin handmade for him. Jungkook's heart fluttered with excitement. He knew that something special was brewing between him and Seokjin.

So-hee watched Jungkook from across the room, a pang of jealousy tugging at her heartstrings. Jungkook's smile, usually reserved for the unknown person.So-hee couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and disappointment.

She had always harbored a secret crush on Jungkook, drawn to his kind heart, infectious energy, and undeniable talent. She had spent countless hours trying to catch his attention, hoping that he would see her as more than just a friend and co-worker.

But now, it seemed, her efforts were in vain. Jungkook was captivated by this cook. So-hee watched as Jungkook laughed on the phone, their conversation flowing effortlessly, their connection evident.

So-hee tried to push aside her feelings, to focus on her own work, but her mind kept drifting back to Jungkook who happily talked to the other line. She felt a lump forming in her throat, a mix of sadness and anger.

She knew she couldn't control Jungkook's feelings, but she couldn't help but feel hurt and had always been there for him, a loyal friend and confidante. But now, it seemed, she was being replaced.

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