Chapter 4: Sister Masks

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"What's wrong?" Mi-Yeol asks.

Mi-jeong sighs and collapses onto the couch. "I'm just so tired," she says. She was happy that her sister was always there for her.

Mi-Yeol sits down next to her sister and puts her arm around her. "I know you're working hard," she says. "But you need to take care of yourself."

Mi-jeong shakes her head. "I can't," she says. "The restaurant is really busy right now, and I need to help out."

Mi-Yeol knows that her sister is right. The restaurant is their livelihood, and they need to do everything they can to keep it running. But she also knows that her sister is pushing herself too hard.

"You're going to burn yourself out," she says. "You need to take some time for yourself."

Mi-jeong sighs again. "I know," she says. "But I don't know when I'll have time."

Mi-Yeol smiles and says, "I'll make sure you have time."

The next day, Mi-Yeol takes her sister to the spa. Jeon Mi-jeong is reluctant at first, but she eventually agrees.

They spend the day getting massages, facials, and pedicures. Jeon Mi-jeong feels like a new person when they leave.

"Thank you," she says to her sister. "I needed this."

Gook Mi-Yeol smiles and says, "You're welcome."

From that day on, Gook Mi-Yeol makes sure that her sister takes some time for herself every week. She knows that it is important for her sister to relax and recharge, and she is always there to support her.

As Gook Mi-Yeol and Jeon Mi-jeong stepped through the front door of their home, they were met by the concerned gaze of Bae-soo, Mi-jeong's husband. His face etched with worry, he hurried towards them, his eyes darting between the two sisters.

"Mi-jeong," he exclaimed, his voice laced with apprehension, "are you alright? You look exhausted."

Jeon Mi-jeong, still basking in the afterglow of their relaxing spa day, couldn't help but smile. "I'm fine, Bae-soo," she assured him, her voice laced with newfound serenity. "Just had a wonderful day with my sister."

Bae-soo's expression softened, but a hint of worry still lingered in his eyes. "You sure?" he asked, his gaze lingering on her slightly flushed cheeks and relaxed demeanor.

"Absolutely," Mi-jeong affirmed, her voice filled with a newfound lightness. "Gook Mi-Yeol dragged me to the spa for the day. It was just what I needed."

Bae-soo's shoulders slumped with relief. "I'm glad," he said, his voice tinged with gratitude. "You've been working so hard lately. I was worried about you."

Mi-jeong's heart swelled with appreciation for her husband's concern. She reached out and placed a hand on his arm, her touch gentle and reassuring. "I'm fine now," she said softly, her voice filled with affection. "Thank you for always being there for me."

Bae-soo smiled, his eyes filled with love for his wife. "Always," he said, his voice filled with unwavering commitment.

Mi-Yeol watched the exchange between her sister and her husband, a warm smile spreading across her face. She was glad that she had encouraged her sister to take some time for herself, seeing the renewed spark in her eyes and the appreciation in her heart.

As the three of them settled into the evening, a sense of peace and tranquility filled the air. The worry that had clouded Bae-soo's face had dissipated, replaced by a renewed sense of calm and contentment. The sisters' relaxing spa day had not only rejuvenated Mi-jeong but had also brought a sense of harmony and balance back into their home.

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