Chapter 13: The Mother's Plead

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The silence of the hospital room shattered into a cacophony of shock and disbelief. Mi-yeol, her eyes glinting with malicious intent, stood poised at the doorway, a police officer flanking her. Her accusing finger pointed at Seokjin, her voice dripping with feigned concern.

"This woman," she declared, her voice amplified by the stunned silence, "is responsible for the fire at the bakery. I saw her running away just before the flames erupted. I saw it on CCTV camera."

Seokjin's face drained of color, her heart hammering against her ribs like a trapped bird. "No, it's not true!" she cried, her voice raw with desperation. "I would never..."

But the words died in her throat, choked off by the weight of suspicion and disbelief that hung heavy in the air. The police officer approached, his gaze unwavering, his presence a stark reminder of the precariousness of her situation. Air in the interrogation room crackled with disbelief as Mi-yeol's accusation hung heavy in the air. Seokjin, her eyes wide with shock and indignation, vehemently denied any involvement in the fire. But Mi-yeol, a viper poised to strike, spun a web of deceit, her voice dripping with false innocence.

Jungkook, his eyes blazing with a fierce protectiveness, stepped forward, shielding Seokjin with his own body. "She's innocent," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "She'll never kill, the person who helped her to achieve her dream."

But his words we're met with a derisive snort from Mi-yeol. "Oh, how convenient," she sneered. "Playing the hero for your criminal lover."

Jungkook's father, his face contorted with anger and disappointment, stepped forward, his hand rising in a flash of violence. A resounding slap echoed through the room, stinging not just Jungkook's cheek but his very soul.

"You dare defend her?" his father roared, his voice thick with contempt. "After everything she's done, after the shame she's brought upon our family? You're blinded by your infatuation, but I won't let you throw away your future for a criminal."

He stood tall, his gaze unwavering, and faced his father. "Seokjin is innocent," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "I believe in her, and I will fight for her, even if it means defying you."

On Bae-soo anger arose this time, a thunderous slap again that echoed through the room, he spat at Jungkook, his face contorted in fury. "How can you defend a criminal? Is this what you choose over your family, over your legacy?"

Seokjin's eyes welled up with tears, a mixture of hurt and defiance burning within her. She felt trapped, caught in a web of lies and prejudice, her love for Jungkook the only thread holding her sanity together.

The evidence, tainted by Mi-yeol's manipulations, seemed to point towards Seokjin. Yet, amidst the growing storm of suspicion, Jungkook remained a beacon of unwavering support. He saw through the facade, recognizing the malice behind Mi-yeol's accusation.

"Seokjin," Jungkook knelt down crying. The blow, both physical and emotional, resonated through Jungkook. The pain, a sharp counterpoint of his love, threatened to overwhelm him. Yet, a steely resolve hardened in his eyes.


The hospital corridor, normally a haven of healing, throbbed with a discordant rhythm of tension and fear. Jung-nam, her steps echoing with a desperate urgency, approached Seokjin's room. Hope flickered in her eyes; seeing her daughter safe.

Reaching Seokjin's room, she gasped. Instead of the quiet haven she expected, she found chaos. Seokjin, her face pale and streaked with tears, was surrounded by policemen, their stiff silhouettes casting long shadows of suspicion. Her hands, bound by cold metal, trembled against the stark white wall.

Jung-nam lunged forward, her maternal instinct a fierce roar against the encroaching storm. "What are you doing?" she cried, her voice a desperate counterpoint to the sterile silence of the room. "Let her go!"

The officer, a granite statue impervious to her anguish, shook his head. "Ms. Seokjin is under arrest for arson and murder," he said, his voice devoid of emotion. "You require legal counsel before any further interaction."

One of the officers, a young man with tired eyes, held up a placating hand. "Ma'am, I understand your concern. We need to ask her some questions."

Seokjin, tears streaming down her face, her eyes pleading, reached out to her mother. "Eomma!" she cried, her voice a raw echo in the stark hallway. "Please, I didn't do it!"

But Jung-nam wouldn't be swayed. This was Mi-yeol's handiwork, she could feel it in her bones. "She's innocent!" she cried, her voice rising in indignation. "You have no right to hold her!"

Her outburst caused a stir, prompting another officer to step forward. "Ma'am," he said calmly, "we understand your position, but legal procedure must be followed. You need to contact a lawyer for Ms. Kim if you wish to speak with her."

Jung-nam's heart ached at the sight of her daughter, her sunflower wilted by the storm. But amidst the despair, a flicker of defiance ignited. She wouldn't let them silence Seokjin, wouldn't let them twist her love for Mi-jeong into a weapon of accusation.

"I'll get a lawyer," she declared, her voice firm despite the tremor in her soul. "I won't let you take her away!"

Tears welled up in Seokjin's eyes. She yearned for her mother's comforting embrace, for the quiet strength that always seemed to chase away the shadows. But the barrier of officers, their stoic faces masks of impartiality, kept them apart.

The officers, unmoved by her maternal fire, escorted Seokjin away, her cries fading into the sterile silence. Jung-nam, alone in the now-empty room, felt the weight of the world settle upon her shoulders. The hope had been replaced by injustice.

A sob escaped her lips, a discordant note against the sterile symphony of the hospital. Yet, amidst the despair, a spark of defiance flickered in her eyes. She held her head high, refusing to let the injustice break her.

Jung-nam, her heart shattered by her daughter's pain, swallowed the lump in her throat. "Don't worry, Seokjin," she said, her voice firm despite the tremor in her hands. "I'll get you the best lawyer. We'll fight this together." Seokjin mother promise while departing her hands to her mother.


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