Chapters 15: Remembering the traumatized event

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The train journey from Seoul to Busan was both a blur and an eternity for Jung-nam. Every click of the tracks echoed her anxieties, every passing landscape mirroring the storm within. Yet, beside her, hope as Sullyoon and Jimin flickered .

Sullyoon, her vibrant presence a beacon of unwavering support, kept the conversation flowing, filling the air with comforting normalcy. Jimin, calm and focused, exuded an aura of quiet competence that reassured Jung-nam. They were her daughters, her rocks, and in their company, the shadows of doubt seemed to recede slightly.

Finally, Busan. The familiar city unfolded before them, a bittersweet tapestry of memories woven with the harsh reality of Seokjin's situation. As they reached the detention center, a knot tightened in Jung-nam's chest.

The air within felt heavy with uncertainty. But when the guards led Seokjin out, a ray of sun broke through the shadows. Her daughter's face, streaked with tears but alight with joy at the sight of her mother, was a melody of love transcending the bars that separated them.

"Eomma!" Seokjin cried, her voice rough with emotion. She rushed towards Jung-nam, their embrace a silent symphony of relief and longing. In that moment, the world fell away, leaving only the raw connection between mother and child.

Jung-nam held her daughter tight, whispering reassurances through the tears that streamed down her own face. Then, she turned to the other two women in the room. When they pulled apart, Seokjin's gaze swept over Jung-nam's companions.

Jimin, with her sophisticated black hair and sharp eyes, exuded an air of quiet power. She met Jung-nam's gaze with a flicker of understanding, a silent promise etched in her confident smile.

Sullyoon, her face a mirror of Jung-nam's own, offered a warm smile and a gentle squeeze of her hand.

Jung-nam, her hand resting on Seokjin's shoulder, introduced them. "Seokjin, this is Atty Kim Jimin, your lawyer. And this," she said, her voice trembling slightly, "is your sister, Sullyoon."

Sullyoon, as if sensing her hesitation, reached out and gently removed her mask. The resemblance was uncanny, a double image staring back at Seokjin. A gasp escaped her lips, replaced by a smile that was both hesitant and hopeful. Then, with a reassuring nod, she put back it, the mask hiding the emotions that shimmered beneath.

With Sullyoon and Jimin on their side, a formidable team of love and legal expertise, Jung-nam's hope solidified. Together, they would face the shadows, unravel the truth, and bring Seokjin back into her freedom.

As they talked, the room seemed to shrink, the harsh reality of the situation fading away. Jung-nam explained Jimin's role as Seokjin's lawyer, a beacon of hope in the darkness. She spoke of Sullyoon's unwavering support, a melody of love woven into the tapestry of their family.

Seokjin listened, her eyes bouncing between her mother, her sister, and Jimin. A gleam of defiance ignited within them, a counterpoint to the shadows of doubt that still lingered. She wasn't alone. She had her family, a formidable force united in their fight for justice.

Sullyoon handed a file paper from the police since they're are defense lawyer.

"According to the police investigation, a CCTV footage they recover. Is came from the bakery. They seen Mi-jeong came first then you. The explosion happened, the good thing. There's no casualties aside from Mrs. Jeon. The evidence work against you Seokjin." Sullyoon explained making Seokjin face pale.

The air hung heavy as Sullyoon recounted the police report, each detail a hammer blow to Jung-nam's already fragile hope. The bakery, the fingerprints, the knife – all seemingly painting a damning picture of Seokjin. The melody of hope Jung-nam had so desperately clung to began to tremble, threatened to fade into the cacophony of doubt.

"They found your prints on the knife?" Jimin explained, while Jung-nam her eyes pleading for some shred of explanation, some loophole in the narrative that condemned her daughter.

Sullyoon, her face etched with concern, nodded. "Yes,  And apparently, there were witnesses who saw you and to the other staff arguing in the bakery just before the incident."

She looked at Seokjin, her daughter's face pale but resolute. "What do you remember, Seokjin?" Jung-nam asked, her voice filled with a mother's desperate hope. "Can you tell me anything about what happened?"

Seokjin closed her eyes, her brows furrowed in concentration. "I don't know," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I remember arguing with Manager Park and Mr. Lee, as far as I know, they hate me. Mrs. Jeon always favors on me."

Jimin, ever the strategist, leaned forward, her gaze sharp. "Did Seokjin ever touch the knife before? Was it even kept in a secure place?"

Sullyoon shook her head. "According to the report, it was a kitchen knife, readily accessible to any employee."

A spark of hope wavered in Jimin's eyes. "Then there's a possibility the prints were transferred, not necessarily from direct contact. We need to investigate the bakery, the witnesses, every detail," she declared, her voice a rallying cry against the shadows of doubt.

Jimin, her sharp gaze analyzing the case files, frowned at the fingerprint report. "Something doesn't sit right about these prints," she declared, her voice echoing in the office. "The bakery's a high-traffic area, and Seokjin's prints could have transferred from handling everyday objects."

Sullyoon, her eyes hardened with resolve, nodded. "I agree, Jimin. This whole situation reeks of a frame-up. But without concrete proof, we're just chasing shadows."

Seokjin, her voice trembling slightly, recounted the harrowing details of the attack. "The fire... it was terrifying. I remember two figures, masked, their faces hidden in darkness. One hit me on the head, and everything went black. The pain... it was unbearable. And then, I saw her... Mrs. Jeon"

Sullyoon's heart ached for her sister's pain, her hand instinctively reaching to squeeze hers. "Did you see who stabbed her, Seokjin? Any details about the men, anything at all?"

Seokjin shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "They were too fast, too ruthless. I only remember the darkness and the pain. My fear..."

The room fell silent, the weight of the accusation hanging heavy in the air. Jimin, ever the strategist, broke the silence. "We need to re-interview the bakery staff," she stated. "Someone might have seen something suspicious, even a glimpse of the attackers before or after the incident. Any detail, however small, could be crucial."

Sullyoon, her eyes flashing with determination, nodded in agreement. "And we can't forget the men Seokjin mentioned. We need to find out if anyone witnessed two masked figures entering or leaving the area around the time of the attack." As they leave, Seokjin instantly stood up.

"Wait, Sullyoon... I remember something?" Both Sullyoon and Jimin exchange glance hoping she remembers anything.

"I... remember her l-last word..." Seokjin head spinning but, she need to be strong for her freedom― to see her beloved again.

"Seokjin, don't push yourself..." Jung-nam held her hand for comfort wishing all this turmoil will end.

"She said... Choi Min-suk name..." 


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