Chapter 6: Taehee Intro

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The rhythmic rustle of paper filled the living room, a counterpoint to Yujin's soft giggles. He sat cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by his plushie friends, an audience captivated by his intricate origami creations. YouTube videos flickered on the tablet propped beside him, guiding his tiny fingers through the folds and creases.

Suddenly, the melody of giggles was replace by a screech. Sullyoon stood framed in the doorway, her sharp eyes landing on the scattered pile of paper. "Yujin!" she thundered, her voice echoing through the house. "What is the meaning of this mess?"

Yujin's head snapped up, his smile fading like ink in water. He looked from his discarded paper warriors to his mother's stern face, a knot of fear tightening in his small chest. "But... but they were just lying there," he stammered, clutching his favorite bear close. "I thought they weren't being used anymore."

Sullyoon's glare intensified. "Those are important papers, Yujin! Not your playground!" She stormed into the room, gathering the sheets with brisk efficiency. "Look at this crumpled mess! How am I supposed to work now?"

Yoongi and Sung-hoon, alerted by the commotion, appeared in the doorway from the kitchen. Yoongi's gaze softened at the sight of Yujin's tear-filled eyes, while Sung-hoon's brow furrowed with concern.

"Sullyoon," Yoongi began, his voice a calming melody amidst the rising dissonance, "maybe we can find a better way to handle this."

But Sullyoon was on a roll. "He needs to learn some responsibility!" she snapped. "Always making a mess, never thinking of the consequences."

Yujin whimpered, his plushie offering little comfort against the onslaught of his mother's anger. He felt small and insignificant, his creative spark snuffed out by the harsh words.

The air crackled with the sharp edges of Sullyoon's anger, her voice a discordant note against the gentle hum of the refrigerator. Yujin, eyes wide and brimming with tears, clutched his plushie tighter, feeling like a misplaced toy in the chaos. Yoongi, his usual calm shattered, stood protectively in front of their son, his own anger simmering like an uncooled pot.

"Sullyoon," Yoongi's voice was low, each word a deliberate counterpoint to her outburst, "he's nine years old, not a toddler. A simple explanation would have sufficed."

"He needs to learn respect!" Sullyoon spat back, her face flushed with indignation. "Those papers were important!"

The tension hung heavy, the silence broken only by the rhythmic tick of the clock on the wall. Sung-hoon, ever the mediator, saw the storm brewing and decided to intervene. With a gentle hand, he ushered Yujin out of the kitchen, his own heart heavy with the weight of their family's discord.

In the living room, Sung-hoon knelt before Yujin, his eyes reflecting a quiet understanding. He pulled out a plate of fluffy pancakes, their golden edges a beacon of warmth in the tense atmosphere. "Want to learn how to make these?" he asked softly.

Yujin's eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of curiosity chasing away the remnants of tears. He nodded eagerly, drawn to the warm scent and Sung-hoon's gentle demeanor.

As Sung-hoon patiently guided Yujin through the process, flour dusting their faces and laughter filling the air, a different melody began to play in the house. The rhythmic clinking of the whisk against the bowl, the soft sizzle of batter hitting the pan, became a counterpoint to the harsh notes of the earlier argument.

In the kitchen, drawn by the sounds of laughter and the unmistakable aroma of pancakes, Sullyoon and Yoongi found themselves standing in the doorway. The tension that had hung between them seemed to soften, replaced by a flicker of curiosity and a shared smile.

Face-Off Elegance  (Yoonjinkook)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon