Chapter 12: Defiance of Archives

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Chaos replaced the hope that had filled the bakery just moments ago. A deafening explosion ripped through the kitchen, flames erupting like malevolent flowers, spreading with terrifying speed. Flames erupted from the bakery kitchen, a monstrous inferno consuming the room in a fiery dance. Seokjin gasped, the heat licking at her face as Mi-jeong cried out, "My bakery!"

Mi-jeong's gasp was swallowed by the roar of the fire, her beloved bakery engulfed in an inferno. Panic flared in her eyes, but before it could consume her. Adrenaline surged through Seokjin. Grabbing Mi-jeong's hand, she pulled her towards the exit, a desperate battle against the encroaching flames.

But escape was not to be granted. A dark figure surged from the smoke, a blur of malice and violence. Before Seokjin could react, she we're struck, a blow to the head sending her crashing to the floor.

"Who are you?!!" Mi-jeong, witnessing her daughter fall, screamed a primal cry. Maternal fury coursed through her veins, overriding the sting of smoke and searing heat. She lunged at the attacker, a ferocious tigress protecting her cub.

"Who are you?! Are you one of Min-suk's men?!!" Their struggle was a desperate dance amidst the encroaching flames. Mi-jeong, though smaller, fought with the strength of ten mothers, her fists and heels connecting with the assailant's body.

But their fight was mercilessly interrupted. From out of the inferno, another figure emerged, a glint of cold steel flashing in their hand. With a chilling whisper, the blade plunged into Mi-jeong's back, a sickening betrayal amidst the firestorm.

As Mi-jeong crumpled to the ground, pain momentarily eclipsing even the searing heat, her eyes met Seokjin's, still glazed with unconsciousness. In that shared gaze, a silent promise bloomed – no matter the depths of darkness, their love would be their guiding light.

The flames roared on, consuming the bakery, a tragic pyre for a dream just taking root.

The glint morphed into a blade, plunging into Mi-jeong's back with a sickening crunch. Her scream, raw and primal, echoed through the inferno, a counterpoint to the discordant melody of the flames. Seokjin's heart lurched, fear a cold fist squeezing her chest.

Through the haze of pain and shock, she saw Mi-jeong fall, her hand outstretched towards her, the pendant with the moon and time gleaming on her finger like a beacon in the darkness. Tears welled in Seokjin's eyes, a silent promise forming on her lips.

"I won't let you down. I'll revenge you mother," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the roar of the fire.


Consciousness flickered into existence, like a candle flame battling a strong wind. Seokjin blinked, the sterile white of the hospital ceiling swimming into focus. A dull ache throbbed in her head, a remnant of the fiery chaos that had consumed her world. A warm weight rested on her lap, and she turned to see Jungkook, his face etched with a raw grief that mirrored the storm raging within her own soul

Suddenly, a warm hand clasped hers, grounding her in the present. Turning her head, she met Jungkook's eyes, their familiar hazel depths clouded with grief and worry. Relief washed over her, a fragile blossom amidst the storm of emotions.She looked down, and her breath hitched. Jungkook's hand, warm and calloused, rested gently on her lap, his knuckles white with an unspoken pain. His face, etched with fatigue and grief, mirrored the discordant symphony of emotions warring within her.

"Jungkook," she rasped, her voice dry and unfamiliar.

He squeezed her hand, his lips trembling. "Seokjin, you're awake." His voice, thick with unshed tears, sent a pang of fear through her. "Are you alright?"

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