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I woke up that Friday morning feeling like pure dog poo. Only the knowledge that I was gonna see Angie in the afternoon after work and hang out at the gym with her was helping me get off of bed. I got up, waited for Tony to finish his shower, and went in once he was done. I took off my PJ's and stepped right in.

Sometimes, when I'm in the shower, I like to use the detachable shower head to pleasure myself, hehe. Thing is, Tony doesn't really, uh, 'initiate' with me very much these days. Matter of fact, we haven't had sex since his birthday back in mid March, about a month ago. And, well, let's just say it was very "wham, bam, thank you ma'am."

Well, this morning, I NEED to use the detachable shower head! I close my eyes, letting my fantasy overtake me...

A pair of strong arms wrap themselves around me, softly caressing me as I feel that shredded abdomen on my back. A mouth gently nibbles on my earlobe, before reaching up to me and whisper-

"MOOOM!" I heard Shawna yell from the hallway. "We want breakfast!"

Well, you can't always have your cake and eat it, too. I quickly finished my shower, got dressed, and served my kids their breakfast: frozen waffles fresh off the toaster. On the weekends I like to do things like make waffles from scratch, but it's Friday morning and I have work soon, so frozen waffles it is.

Eight thirty in the morning; my kids have long since left on the bus, and my coworkers were picking me up for the carpool. I got in, greeting everyone.

"TGIF, am I right?" I said.

"Yeah, uhuh," Ashley and Mel mumbled, with Josh just nodding his head. Delightful bunch.

But it's not gonna get to me, because I have a DATE this afternoon!

...wait, date? That' no, it's more like we're hanging out! Don't get it confused, now!

OK, now we go to that afternoon 'date'...

"So I figured we could do something light," said Angie as she guided me to the treadmills. "Normally I like to go five miles per hour, but-"

"Two and a half for me," I said, smiling. "I'm not THAT out of shape!"

So Angie and I began our run together, with her going faster than me at first, but then she slowed down so we could talk easier.

"So how was work today?" She asked as she continued running. I could tell she was really holding back just so I could keep up with her.

"Whole lotta pencil pushing, paper pushing," I said, rolling my eyes. "Riveting stuff."

"Heh, I hear that," she said. "I used to work at an office myself, but I got sick of it. One day I hit the gym, found peace in myself, and haven't really left."

"Yeah, your gains speak for themselves!" I said. "I mean, those arms are as thick as tree trunks! I WISH I was half as strong as you are!"

"Oh, you," she said as she smiled, and we continued our run.

"So what's your routine?" I asked, feeling the sweat build up already.

"I do about seven sets of weightlifting a day," she replied. "Tuesdays and Thursdays I do legs, Mondays and Wednesdays shoulders, and abs on Sunday. Fridays are my free days, and Saturdays are my cheat days."

"Nice," I said. "Who's your inspiration for bodybuilding?"

"Cindy Landolt," she replied. "I mean, I don't want to be as buff as she is, but she IS pretty awesome, AND she owns her own exclusive gym!"

"Wow," I said, feeling impressed. "She owns her own gym? Man, it must be great..."

"I imagine," she said, smiling. "But I dunno, I'm happy where I am right now, you know? Owning a gym doesn't sound like something I'd want for myself."

"Yeah, I get it," I said. "But what I mean is, I can't imagine how GREAT it must feel to be living one's dreams, ya know?"

"What's your dream?" She asked.

"I dream of seeing my kids happy, healthy, and grown up," I said, forcing a smile. "That's it."

"You sound like a good mom," she replied. "I bet they adore you."

"Yeah," I quickly replied, trying not to think about how all week long they haven't spoken a word to me that wasn't some kind of demand.

After thirty minutes on the treadmill, Angie and I went downstairs to the dumbbells. She lifted the seventy pounders, and I stuck with the five pounders. I couldn't help but stare at her bulging biceps as she lifted that weight.

"Damn, girl," I said, almost dreamily, but then I snapped out of it. "I'm almost jealous of those arms!"

"Nah, you're just saying that," she giggled, putting the dumbbells down.

"Is it OK if I feel them?" I asked. She nodded, but I noticed she was blushing a bit. I touched her bicep, and man, it was HARD! Was I touching an arm, or a rock!? "Jesus, these arms!"

"Well, it's like you said; they're the fruits of my labor," she said, blushing.

After working up a storm, the two of us hit the showers. We were alone, so we could talk a bit.

"Know what?" she started. "I'm really glad we met."

"Me too," I said, smiling. "Honestly, this was the highlight of my day! I'd been looking forward to this since Tuesday!"

I noticed my heartbeat started accelerating as we showered. That musta been one hell of a workout!

"You know how to make a girl feel appreciated," she said, and that made my face warmer. "Honestly..."

"Yeah?" I asked. "Something on your mind?"

"Well," she chuckled. "It's stupid."

"You can tell me!"

"It's just," she took a deep breath. "I kinda wish... nah, it's too stupid. Besides, you're straight, right?"

"What are you trying to tell me?" I asked, noticing my heart was racing a mile a minute, and I had butterflies in my stomach.

"That I'm," she gulped. "Attracted to you."


"Sorry," she quickly said. "Look, I get it if you don't wanna hang out again; I overstepped. I'm sorry, OK? I... fuck, I'm so fucking STUPID!"

And so she quickly got out of the shower, got dressed, and ran out the door. For my part, I was too shocked for words. Angie was attracted to me? Why...

...why did that turn me on?

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