What's done in the dark...

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Know what? I CHOSE to stay in bed LONGER today! I didn't get much sleep last night, let's leave it at that! If anyone asks, I'm sleepy!

"Mooom, we want breakfast!" Said Shawna at 8 in the morning. I chose to tell her off!

"Honey, can't you pour yourself some cereal?" I weakly asked. "I didn't get much sleep last night, sweetie."

HAH! Take THAT! I can be VERY assertive!

...no, no that was mean of me. Shawna didn't deserve that; I'm a better mom than that. I decided to get up and-

"I'll just pop a Pop Tart in the toaster," she said as I was about to cave in. Huh, my little baby's growing up.


As soon as Shawna left, Kyle burst into the bedroom. "Moooooom! I'm hungry!"

"Shawna's making Pop Tarts," I said as I laid back in bed. "Ask her to make you one, too."

"That's OK, I like'em cold," he said, leaving.

I prefer cold Pop Tarts too.

"Chrissy?" Tony said as he walked into our bedroom. "It's not like you to get up so late."

"What time is it?" I asked groggily.

"Eight AM," he replied. "And we gotta be at church at ten, remember?"

Oh. Oh shoot. Church. I go to church every Sunday with my family, and it's VERY important that we all go! But...

...what I did last night flooded my every thought. I had phone sex with Angie, my best friend. My best girl friend, because my HUSBAND is my best friend.

"I want you..." her voice echoed in my head, alongside our breathing.

Holy hell do I have a sin to confess. I have a bad sin to confess. And considering the pastor made me say fifty prayers when I was seventeen for having pre-marital sex with Tony, I can imagine how many he'll make me say for my infidelity!

"Know what?" Tony said as he put the blanket on me. "You don't look too well; you should stay in today. I'll take the kids to church, don't worry. After that, we'll pick up something for you at Wendy's, OK?"

"OK," I said, pretending to be tired, when in reality my heart was racing a mile a minute.

I cheated on my husband last night. That alone should be enough to make me feel like dog water, but it's not the worst part. The worst part is that, if Angie and I hadn't agreed to leave it as a one time thing, I'd DEFINITELY do it again. What does that say about me?

Why am I so eager to cheat on Tony? Am I that bored with our relationship? Am I that horny for Angie? Or am I just horny in general?

I stayed in bed until Tony and the kids left. Once they did, I got up and headed to the bathroom. My eyes turned to the spot where I laid last night, fingering myself to the sound of Angie's breathing.

"...I'm so wet for you," her voice echoed in my ears, and I immediately got wet. So, so wet. I cursed myself; I shouldn't have deleted the chat from last night. I should have saved those pictures, at least. But we agreed.

BZZZT BZZT! My phone vibrated. I walked back to my phone and saw Angie messaging me.

"Hey," she texted. "You doing OK?"

"Great," I said. Besides the lying and the cheating, I really am doing great.

"Can I call you?" She asked, and I immediately called her.

"What's up?" I asked, and hearing her voice again in this bathroom gave me all sorts of memories. Hot, sexy, erotic memories...

"I know we agreed," she said. "But... can we talk about it just once?"

"OK," I said, gulping.

"Last night was great," she said, chuckling. "You don't know how badly I needed that."

"Preaching to the choir," I said, smiling. "That was the best orgasm I've had."

"This year?" She asked.

"Ever," I replied dreamily. "Hey, my tablet has a camera on it! How about we-"

"Yes!" She quickly said, and then we traded Skype numbers. I got onto my tablet, and skyped her. There she was, in her underwear again. "Hey."

"Hey," I replied, blushing. "So, about last night."

"Yeah?" She asked.

"You know, that agreement we had?" I began. "Do you think it was for the best?"

"I mean," she shook her head. "But it's the best we could do. You're married, after all."

"True," I said. "But if we could, would you... do it again?"

She licked her lip, as if considering it. "Yeah."

"Me too," I replied.

"You know," she smiled. "Talking like this, it really-"

"Way ahead of ya," I said as I took off my top and my bra. Then she took off her bra, and-

I'm not in the least bit sorry for cutting this short!!!

"Oh wow, that was way better than last night," I said, panting and sweating. "You really do something to me, Angie."

"Same here, Chrissy," she said, smiling. Then she frowned. "Hey, won't your family be back home soon?"

"SHOOT!" I exclaimed, looking at the clock and seeing they'd be back in about ten minutes. "Angie, honey, I'd hate to-"

"It's OK," she said, smiling softly. "Thanks for this, by the by; one hell of a way to wake up in the morning!"

"You're telling me!" I said, and so we hung up. I quickly hopped into the shower and washed myself; I was halfway done when the car pulled up.

"Moooom, we're back!" I heard Shawna yell out. "We brought you something!"

"I'm in the shower!" I called out, feeling like TRASH because, less than twenty minutes ago, I was having webcam sex with another woman. I missed out on church with my family, just to get my kicks off.

That says a lot about me, and none of it is good. None of it is good at all...

I finished my shower, got dressed, and went to the kitchen to see what they brought me. It was a Classic Single with no onions, fries and a Diet Coke. Not my favorite, but I can eat it no problem.

"Who ordered for me?" I asked.

"Dad did," said Kyle as he picked out a soda from the fridge, then went upstairs to his Nintendo.

I turned to Tony, and he was already glued to his laptop. That didn't stop me from giving him a quick peck on the cheek as thanks for buying me lunch. He may have his faults and his quirks, but he's still my husband, and my best friend.

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