A Perspective

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I'll be honest when I say I wasn't too keen on returning home so soon from my gym 'date' with Angie, especially not with that bombshell she dropped on me.

"...I'm attracted to you..." her voice echoed in my head. Damn, dude, what am I supposed to do about that?

OK, no, let me set it straight right here and now: I have NO PROBLEM with the LGBT community! I LOVE gays, AND lesbians, AND bisexuals! Even trans folk, I have no problem with them! I mean, yeah, sometimes I find them a bit weird, but that doesn't mean I want anything BAD to happen to them!

Yeah, I do sound kinda douchey, don't I? I didn't mean to sound like a douche, sorry. It's just, you know, how things are, ya get me?

I entered my house, and the smell of pizza immediately hit my nostrils. I saw Tony on the dining room table, typing away on his laptop.

"I'm back," I said, then I walked up to Tony and did a little twirl. "You like my shorts?"

"Uhuh," he replied, not even bothering to look up. That's fine.

"You guys had pizza?" I asked, sniffing the air.

"Yup," he replied. "Saved you two slices in the fridge."

"Awesome," I said as I walked to the fridge. Working out builds up an appetite! I opened up the fridge, and it was mushroom pizza; not my favorite, but I could eat it. I microwaved the slices and ate away. "Sooo, I had a good time at the gym today."

"OK," he replied monotonously.

"I might make it a thing I do weekly now," I said as I chewed my pizza.

"K," he said as he stared at his computer screen.

"I've met someone new," I said, then immediately regretted it because it almost sounded like I was saying that I met someone I was interested in romantically. "A new friend, I mean. She's-"

"Chrissy, you mind?" Tony said, FINALLY looking at me for the first time all week. "I'm kinda busy here."

"Sorry," I said, finishing my last slice before heading upstairs to see my kids. Kyle was in his room playing that Call of Duty on his Nintendo again, and Shawna was too busy on her phone to even notice me. I sighed; I felt so invisible. I slumped back to the room I share with Tony, took out my tablet, and began to watch some Netflix. I musta been REALLY tired, though, because I was soon fast asleep...

I was at the gym, putting on my shorts and tank top. I felt ready to take on the world! As soon as I turned around, though, I saw Angie standing at the doorway. She was wearing her shorts that showcased her calves, and a red sports bra to match. She smiled at me, and I at her.

"Ready?" I asked her. She sauntered over to me, and with the tips of her fingers, she caressed my cheek. "Angie, what are you doing?"

"You're so gorgeous," she said, looking at me so tenderly. She grabbed me by the small of my back, lifted my chin, and kissed me. I kissed her back, massaging her tongue with mine. Then we broke the kiss, and she said "I want you, so badly."

"Make love to me," I said, taking off my top and laying down on the floor. She took off her bra, and-

WHAT THE!? I bolted right up, breathing heavily, sweating profusely. I looked to my left; there was Tony, sleeping so soundly. My hands were shaking; what the hell was that!? Did I seriously have a sexy dream involving Angie!? Oh my God...

...I was soooo wet! Why was I so wet!? Not only was my nether region soaked, I felt wetter and hornier than I've ever felt in my life! I put my tablet away and grabbed my phone, then I went to the bathroom, locking the door.

On occasions like this, I liked to use my vibrator, and look up pictures of hunks like Dwayne Johnson. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get Angie outta my mind!

"...I'm attracted to you..." her voice echoed in my head. My hands trembled. I turned my phone on, and without even thinking it, I texted Angie.

"Hey, you up?" I texted. What was I even doing? It's 1 AM on a Friday night! Or Saturday morning, whatever you call it! She won't-

"Yeah," she replied in less than a minute. "I'm not sleepy. You?"

"I just woke up," I wrote. "Had a dream."

"Sorry to hear," she replied. "What about?"

No way. No way could I tell her I dreamed about her. That'd be too awkward.

"Cindy Landolt," I replied. I hated to lie.

"I see," She typed. "What happened? Why did the dream freak you out?"

"Well," I gulped. "I think I'm not straight."

She took a minute before she responded. "You sure?"

I didn't like lying, so I decided to look up Cindy Landolt. Looking at her pictures, especially her more risque ones, made me feel hornier.

"Positive," I wrote back.

"I see," she replied. "Sorry, it's my fault."

Hooo boy, she don't know the half of it.

"What did she do?" She asked, adding a winky emoji. "Just between us girls."

"Take a guess," I said, adding another winky emoji.

"Heh, not bad," she replied. I wanted her to reply 'wish it was me.'

"I'm in my PJ's," I wrote for some stupid reason. "Wanna see?"

"OK!" She replied. I walked to the mirror and snapped a picture of me in my pajamas, then sent it to her. "Nice!"

"Can I see yours?" I asked.

"Oh, I sleep in my underwear (blush emoji)," she wrote.

I gulped. What was I thinking? "I'll show you mine, you show me yours?"

Two minutes later, she sent me a picture of herself in her undies. Her hair was all frizzy, her bra was red and her panties were blue, and she was still a thousand times hotter than Cindy Landolt. Now it was my turn; I took off my PJ's, took the pic, and sent it to her.

"Wow," she replied.

"Keep it," I texted. "I want you to have it."


I gulped. "Can I be honest?"


"I want you to think of me," I wrote. "When you touch yourself."


"LOL Cindy got you horny," she replied three minutes later. "Get some sleep, honey. When you're in a better head space, we'll talk, OK?"

That was fair, that was very fair...

The next morning, after a good night's sleep that helps clear heads that tend to be muddied by horniness...

I woke up, and that picture of Angie still made me horny. There's no doubt: I'm into women, and I'm VERY attracted to her.

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