A one time thing

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Tony was fast asleep, and it was nearly one in the morning. I got up, grabbed my phone (fully charged), and headed to the bathroom. I locked the door, to make sure Tony didn't walk in on me doing this. Tonight, Angie and I finish what we started.

And when we're done, we'll never speak of it again.

I was wearing my nightie, and beneath it, my black underwear. I wanted this to be something that Angie would remember for a while. Even if it was to be a one time thing, I wanted us both to remember it, and I kinda wanted it to be something that hung overhead between us whenever we hung out. A sort of a secret, a taboo as it were. Like yeah, we cyberfucked. We'd never talk about it, but we'd think about it, and we'd both know the other was thinking about it, too.

"You up?" She began.

"Yeah," I answered.


"A bit," I replied. That was a lie; I was actually VERY nervous.

"Me too," she said. "So, how do we start?"

"Same as last time," I said. "I'm wearing my nightie, wanna see?"


I snapped a picture of myself in my salmon pink nightie, and sent it to her. I originally bought it for Tony, but again, it's been MONTHS!

"So, still sleep in your underwear?" I typed.

"Yeah," she replied, and she sent me a picture of herself in black underwear. I was getting horny. Now it was my turn. I took off my nightie and took a picture of myself, then sent it to her. "You're beautiful."

"You too," I replied. "And sexy."

"You too," she replied. I gulped.

"Wanna see me topless?" I asked.

"YES," she replied. I took off my bra, stood in front of the mirror, snapped the pic, and sent it to her. "WOW!!!"

Moments later, she sent me a picture of herself topless. Mouthwatering. Angie is literally perfect. I wanted to touch myself then and there.

"You make me wanna touch myself," I wrote.

"I already am," she replied. And that got me going. I took off my panties and just went to town.

"What are you doing to me?" I asked.

Woah now, this is getting a little X-Rated! Let's skip ahead a little.

After taking a picture of my womanhood and sending it to her, a thought came to my head.

"Can I call you?" I texted. "I want to hear your breath."

"Same," she texted back, and so I dialed her number. She quickly answered. "H-hey."

"Hey," I whispered to her, my breathing getting deeper and deeper. By this point I was lying on the floor, completely nude. On the other end I could hear her breathing, and I swear I could hear her rubbing herself as well.

Let's skip ahead some more, OK?

We'd finished. We came around the same time; it was great. This whole thing we did was great. We hung up a little after we were done; we didn't even say goodbye or goodnight. It was better this way; we had agreed it'd be a one time thing.

I got up, put my clothes back on, and cleaned the small puddle of my womanly juices. Then I looked at myself in the mirror, and for some reason tears streamed down my face. I was crying, but why?

Was I crying because I had, for all intents and purposes, just cheated on my husband? Or was I crying because I knew what I had just done was something I could never repeat?

Even if only for one night, even if it was only through the phone, Angie made me feel desired. More than that, though, Angie made me feel beautiful, sexy even! I looked at myself carefully: my milky white skin, my blue eyes, my blonde hair up in a pony tail; what was so wrong with me that Tony stopped wanting me? Or maybe he was the problem, because Angie wanted me.

Then I thought about what we had done. What was done in this bathroom was infidelity, no doubt about it. I'd been with Tony for twenty one years of my life, and not once did I ever consider even so much as looking at another man. And yes, I have fantasized about certain men, like Jason Momoa or Dwayne Johnson, but I always replaced their faces with Tony's.

And yet, Angie just gave me the best sexual pleasure I've ever had. Even including all the times I've had to pleasure myself, even including all the nights Tony and I ever shared...

But that's meaningless. I still cheated. For all intents and purposes, this was infidelity, and it's inexcusable. I gave Tony my vows! I just broke my vow to him!!!

No excuses, no pity party. I opened the door to our bedroom and I lightly nudged him. He will hear the truth from me.

"Not now, Chrissy," he groggily said. "I'm tired."

"Tony," I insisted.

"If you're horny, go look at porn," he said rather harshly, swatting my hand away. "Let me sleep, woman!"

Oh, so that's how it was. I sat at the edge of our bed, just taking it all in. I buried my face in my hands; tonight's been rough.

I then realized what I did in that bathroom didn't matter anymore, as far as my marriage was concerned. By the time the Sun's up, me and Angie will never speak about it again, never think about it again. It was something we did to get our lust out of our system, to get some relief from the dry spell in our sex lives.

Angie is a beautiful, smart, caring woman. No way would someone like her stay single for very long. And me? I'm married, and it's 'til death. Nothing would have ever happened between us anyway.

I opened up the texts between me and her, and just deleted the whole thread. There, the evidence has been destroyed. Only two people in the whole world would ever know about what went down in that bathroom, and neither of us is ever talking.

Like so many things, I'm taking it to the grave with me...

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