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annabelle groaned as she adjusted herself on the sofa in her living room. roman grunted in response to being shoved off her feet which he laid on. "mm sorry rom,"

she didn't sleep in the bed, she didn't feel safe enough. she deprived herself of simple pleasures in fear that something would happen despite knowing her cabin had been safe all this time. but deep down she knew it couldn't last forever. annabelle sat up and walked to the door, letting roman out to use the bathroom. while he was outside she turned and began pulling things from her pantry.

annabelle began making breakfast for both her and roman. thanks to negan, her pantry was kept full. it still blew her mind how the sanctuary ran, how they always had food. though she was most definitely thrown off by his offer to be one of his 'wives', she did really like him. she couldn't exactly pinpoint in what way she was beginning to like him, but she was.

it was slightly disrespectful for him to offer to join his many wives. but the past few days that she's been home after her night at the sanctuary, she wondered if her response to the offer may have been different if there weren't other 'wives' involved.

that night with negan was magical. the things they shared as they danced. the close hold he had on her. the smell of his button up. being with him just made her feel better, made her feel okay. that's something she'd never had, but something that scared her to hold onto in this world.

after breakfast she called roman back inside and the two enjoyed their meal on the couch together. she rubbed his head as he rubbed his nose under her arm. "good boy roman, come on bubba let go outside and play."

the large pit immediately hopped to his paws and took off the to door. annabelle laughed and followed him outside, walking around back to her garden. she began working on her plants though it was hard with the large dog charging back and fourth by her with his ball. she laughed when she got pushed backwards onto her butt from her kneeling position. "roman!"

she got up and grabbed his ball, throwing it for him. she laughed as he brought it back and this process continued on for another hour. after awhile she went back to gardening while roman continued to play with his ball. there was nothing she loved more than this right here. a day of gardening under the sun with her dog.

hours passed in what felt like minutes for her and the sun was beginning to set. roman had been laid down beside her for a while now having worn himself out. annabelle was about to get up to go inside before the sun fully set. but that was when roman shot up.

her dogs head lowered as he growled. that was when annabelle heard it. heard them. twigs snapped under the weight, groans and growls echoed for the forest line around her cabin. she immediately hopped her her feet, quickly calling for roman to follow. several walkers emerged from the forest line, following up her porch behind them. she slammed the door shut, watching as more and more follow. a herd.

there was too many. she yelled as she grabbed her bag, "fuck!"

she began shoving some of her things into the bag, some clothing and roman's treats. she pulled her gin from her pant line and led roman to the back. there were only two out back. "come roman,"

annabelle opened the door which shoved the first one back in which roman immediately tackled the second with its jaws to its neck. annabelle piked the one while it was on the ground before taking care of the one roman took down. "come on,"

annabelle led roman around the side of the cabin, running by the walkers that surrounded through the forest. she took down any walker in her way as she led roman through the forest. she knew where to go.

when another walker stumbled in front of her it caught her hair, yanking as it fell back. she fell to the ground with it, her head hitting the pavement. fighting unconsciousness, she struggled against it to get free. that was when roman grabbed onto the arm that was tangled with her long hair, giving her a chance to push off and stand up. she plunged her knife into its head, wincing as she placed her hand to her forehead where she felt blood where it hit the ground.

finally reaching the road, she looked around for the vehicle megan said he left for her. that she'd seen herself. but it wasn't here. someone took it. so she did the only thing she could, she took off running with roman at her side. it was about a six mile run through the cold night time air but she eventually made it. she ran up the long dirt drive, past the fence of tired up walkers.

when she approached the gate 6 guns were immediately pointed at her from the other side of the gate. she heard someone call over the walkie talkie but she wasn't able to process it. her head was in and out, trying to fight passing out. that was when the double doors of the sanctuary bust open and out came negan. the smile that was on his face immediately disappeared as he ran over. he threw his arm out at his men as he yelled. "drop the fucking guns and open the gate!"

when negan rushed to her once the door opened, it was like a switch for her. like a sense of safety rushed over her and she no longer needed to fight the inevitable unconsciousness. the last thing she remembered was the warmth of his arms before everything went black.


Sorry for a late update, and a short one! I had family visit for the holidays but I'll be updating a lot more now!

My Safe SpaceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora