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annabelle pushed some hair from negans face as the mans back laid against her body. his frame sat comfortably in between her legs as he read to her. she couldn't care less about the book. it was his voice. he spoke so softly, elegantly as he read out to her. it was the way he put emphasis on his words, the way his hand softly caressed her thigh as the other one held up the book.

she admired the way his black framed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose. the scent of his freshly washed hair made her feel at home. the way she felt for him was indescribable. she wouldn't know where to start. it was an amazing start to the day, the sun had only just fully raised above them.

"you all right back there?" negan asked and shifted his body to the side to look at her.

"i'm okay, just watching you." anna whispered.

a small grin formed on his face before he placed a soft kiss on her bare thigh. she couldn't fight her moan back as he continued to kiss at her inner thighs, as his fingertips softly dragged along her skin. she softly moaned out. "negan."

anna ran her hand through his hair while she soaked in the kisses he placed. "don't be nervous princess."

but negan urging to take a new step in their relationship wasn't what she were nervous about - it was the plan she'd created with dwight that was going to take place today.

"i need your help breaking daryl out of here."

dwight stared at her as if she were crazy. the look of pure terror in his eyes realizing that she were actually serious about this. dwight sighed in disbelief. "what the hell do you mean break him out of here? this place is like a prison."

"you said i needed to change it, that i'm the only person who can. it starts with daryl. i- i love negan but i won't stand by and let him torture a man." annabelle pleaded with him.

"how do you suppose we do this? that hall is on guard 24/7, so is the entire building." he argued.

"but people need to sleep, to eat. right? their shift change, i'll get daryl from the sell and take him out the east side. that's where i pick my berries in the forest, there's not much cover on that side but the two guards. just tell me the times they switch out, keep the people on the wall distracted while i free him." annabelle had been plotting this for days.

"anna.." dwight trailed off with a sigh.

annabelle reached forward and placed her hand ontop of his. "please dwight.. i- i can't do it without you."


"where are you guys headed today?" annabelle asked as she sat herself forward, pulling her body away from negan. she couldn't do this now, not when she was betraying him in a few hours.

"hilltop today, we'll be bringing back some vegetables. that means your pickles." negan said as he pushed himself up realizing the time.

"can't wait." she forced a smile. annabelle grew to hate eating as much now, knowing how the saviors are getting all of their food and supplies. it disgusted her the things that they did, but disgusted her more that it didn't change the love she had for him.

negan pushed himself from the bed and began to get ready. annabelle watched him though her mind was pre-occupied thinking of hers and dwight's plan for today. she couldn't stop her mind from thinking of the different ways this could go bad, what would happen if she were caught releasing a prisoner. what would negan do? he's surely never trust her again.

after another hour of following negan around as he gathered up men to take on his trip to hilltop and a sweet goodbye with a deep kiss, they were gone.

it was another few hours before shift change came, but it was not finally time. before she gave dwight a nod. she watched as he walked away, toward the guard at the wall and started a conversation with him. she went back into the building and waited at the end of the hall. after a few minutes she checked her watch, shift change was here. annabelle peaked around the wall and watched as the guard walked off before his replacement went into the kitchen to make the 'lunch'.

they had to be quick - negan would be back shortly. all it took was one person to see her by the hall.

annabelle walked silently down the hall and opened the door. her heart almost fell through her body when she saw the man - daryl, curled in a ball on the floor. his head lifted up as did his hand, shielding his  eyes from the light that casted into the dark room. when he saw her, he immediately stood to his feet.

"we don't have any time, come on." she whispered. daryl quickly followed her out of the room in which she shut the door back behind them.

"you're gonna go out the door right there, follow in a straight path east of the building into the forest and you'll see your bike hidden in some bushes." anna instructed the man.

"who 'r ye." the man had a thick southern draw.

"the person who's going to be in some deep shit if you don't leave now. he's at hilltop now, wait for him to leave then stay there. he'll go looking at alexandria." annabelle whispered.

the man looked to the door she instructed him to leave through before back at her. "thank you."

"you're welcome." she gave him a nod and watched as the man hurried through the door.

she quickly fled the hallway, back up to her room. anna let out a sigh of relief as she threw herself back on her bed. she immediately sat forward when she heard her door open. dwight slipped in and closed the door quickly behind him. "we did it."

annabelle couldn't help but to smile. "thank you dwight, i owe you one."

"don't worry about it but anna.. negan will be back any minute now and there's going to be a lot of fall out." dwight sighed and rubbed his face.

"i know." she sighed. "but if it comes down to it, i'll take the blame. you won't be mentioned."

that was when they heard it. the gates being opened. annabelle peeked out the window to see negans trucks rolling back into the sanctuary. she looked to dwight immediately. "you have to go."

"be careful anna." he nodded before running from the room knowing he needed to meet negan.

she knew it was only a matter of hours before they discovered daryl was gone. she knew negan would immediately suspect her.

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