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annabelle laughed alongside alexis as the sun burnt down on them while they gardened together. the two talked about a number of things in the last few hours they spent gardening with one another. anna spoke about negan - rather, she bragged about how well he treated her. she reminisced on the day that they arrived back to the sanctuary after the close call at the mall. the way he sat in the backseat and held her close on the ride back, the way he walked her upstairs and stood by the door as she showered the blood off. when she had asked for space he understood and tucked her into bed, giving her a kiss and leaving her to rest.

"he really is so good to me," she finished her sentence as she worked.

alexis giggled and softly whispered. "looks like there's some others that are interested in you too."

annabelle turned to see a few of negans men stood by the corridors stared at her as they all shared some cigarettes. though it made her uncomfortable that they constantly watched her, it was one man in particular that made her feel uneased. tim. the man from last week in the kitchen.

anna uncomfortably shifted under their gaze and looked back to alexis. "yeah.. they always are."

"the men here are pigs," alexis scoffed. "don't pay them any attention anna, they know better. they know what happens if they even look at you wrong."

"yeah.." she sighed and glanced back to tim who's eyes hadn't shifted away from her. "i guess.."

the two continued to talk while trying to finish up on the section they were in when anna glanced up, outside of the back fence where she could see beautiful flowers growing within the forest behind the sanctuary. "i wish i could go out there and just pick them.. it'd be so nice. that's what i miss the most about my cabin, being able to escape into the forest, the nearby fields."

"i don't know why, it's scary out there. i couldn't image being back out there." alexis shook her head.

"i've asked negan so many times to let me go out there but he won't budge, not after what happened a few weeks ago.." anna sighed.

when alexis went silent and stood to her feet she immediately snapped around nervously, for some reason expecting to see tim stood behind her. but she was relieved to see negan instead. "woah, calm your tits baby it's just me. what's the problem?"

"sorry, sorry. nothings wrong." anna smiled up at him. negan gave her a weird look but continued with what he came to ask.

"come on, i have a surprise for you." negan smiled down at her and took her hand, helping anna up to her feet. as anna shared her goodbye with alexis negan couldn't help but to notice the few men by the doors stare over as they smoked. "you guys got a fucking problem? wanna take a picture?"

all the men's faces immediately drained, looking like deer in headlights as they quickly moved to scramble away from the area. seeing that negan noticed and said something made butterflies explode in her belly. she felt so safe with him. anna slid her hand into negans as she smiled up at him excitedly. "what's the surprise?"

"now it wouldn't be a surprise if i told you now would it?" negan grinned at her.

"negan," she dragged on his name before a giggle.

"come on now, don't be impatient." he chuckled as they walked around to the front gates hand in hand. when the gates were opened and the two walked out of the sanctuary her heart began to race. "i know you've been wanting to walk to the fields so i cleared my schedule, how about a date out here with me?"

anna smiled up at him. "it would be my pleasure."

the two walked through the forest, it was going to be a good walk before the arrived to the field. negans head immediately looked over to her when he felt her hand pull away. that was when he stopped in his tracks to admire the view in front of him. annabelle was kneeled down, picking a few flowers at the base of a bush with a smile on her face.

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