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" because you're nothing like anyone i've ever met before."

annabelle paused amidst her motion of reaching for her wine. she smiled to herself as she grabbed her glass and sipped it, attempting to fight her smile. she couldn't fight the feeling that grew in her stomach by the words spoken of the man. she bit her lip, debating on what to say in response. but she couldn't come up with them. negan smiled and watched her as he swigged his whiskey. "you're cute when you're flustered."

"i'm sorry i just.." she blushed and forced down her smile to compose herself. "i'm just not used to this."

"what do you think of my place here?" negan asked as he watched annabelle take another bite.

"it's nice, you really have a nice thing going here." she agreed as she enjoyed her meal. "really, i mean i can't believe you've managed to build all this."

"have you given any more thought to joining us?" negan asked before another bite while he watched as she sighed. he felt a pang of regret, aware of the position he was putting her in. "listen i know you love your cabin, i know you feel safe. but i can assure you're safe here."

"come here and what? work for points to be able to eat?" annabelle laughed. "i'm good where i'm at."

negan sighed and placed down his fork before he wiped his mouth with. "look, i'm not gonna lie to you. i've got uh.. a few women here that i take care of, and they take care of me."

annabelle paused her motion of taking a bite though she didn't look up at him. "those women in black."

"my wives." megan stated with a sigh. "listen i know how it sounds, and i get this is not an appealing offer right off the bat but-"

annabelle cut him off mid sentence. "no."

there was a moment of silence before annabelle laughed. "you do what you want, you have the power in this place to have as many wives as you want. but you're way out of line assuming i'd be apart of something like that."

negan nodded and enjoyed another bite before responding again. "listen, i didn't mean for the offer to be disrespectful to you. it's just that i like you, and i'd love to take care of you-"

"me and what, 5 other women? i'm exchange for sex?" annabelle shook her head and sipped her red wine. "leave me out of this."

"okay." negan sucked in a deep breath.

annabelle pushed back in her chair and prepared to stand up. "maybe i should just get back home-"

"no, no. look i'm sorry, let's lighten the mood okay?" negan stood to his feet. annabelle sipped more wine as she watched him walk over to his desk where he pressed play. annabelle laughed at his little dance as he walked over to her end of the table. "come on,"

"negan no," annabelle laughed.

"come on," negan dragged the '0n' and grabbed her hand he tugged of it as he swayed. "let's enjoy this night, then i'll drive you home in the morning if that's what you want."

annabelle smiled and took his hand, allowing him to pull her up and toward him. the two locked hands with one, and their others laid on each others hips as their bodies swayed to the music. it's was so calm, so peaceful. it was a comfortable silence for the first few minutes of the dance, that was until negan broke it with almost a whisper. "look, i didn't mean to disrespect you by offering. i just.. i like you. you're.. you're different."

"it's okay, and i'm not saying you don't interest me in many ways enough to wanna pursue seeing you a little more often. but i'm not going to sign up to be an optional booty-call between like five other women. not to mention i've only known you two months now." annabelle laugh softly.

their bodies continued to seat in unison. her rather small hand fit into his significantly larger one like they were puzzle pieces made for one another. she never felt this kind of connection to anyone before. negan smile before he pulled her close and rested his chin on the top of her head as they continued to dance. "you're something special, annabelle."

"tell me more about you, not about this place or how you run things but about you." anna whispered.

"ladies first." he whispered back.

anna rolled her eyes but ultimately obliged and spoke first. "like now, i wasn't much before all of this. i was a student in college majoring in arts, i spend most of my free time helping my mom in her garden. only a few friends, no boyfriend. it's really always been me and roman against the world."

"but you are something, you're something to me now. i enjoy art, you should definitely pain me naked." negan joked.

annabelle pulled back and slapped his shoulder with a laugh. "okay negan, now it's your turn."

annabelle rested back into their previous position with her head on his shoulder, his chin rested on the top of her head. "i was a highschool gym teacher, i went out and drank when i shouldn't have been. i really wasn't anything. wasn't a good man, certainly not a.. not a good husband."

negan went silent after the sentence. as if waiting for a large reaction. but instead annabelle remained in the position, swaying to the music. "we all make mistakes, we're human."

a mangled chuckle and sigh mix of relief escaped his lips and his hand squeezed the hold he'd had on her hips a little tighter. "like i said, you really aren't like any woman i've ever met before annabelle."

"well, i guess it was fate that roman ran away toward you guys that day." she laughed. "i really enjoy this, it's just.. just so.."

annabelle didn't know how to finish that sentence. she wasn't sure how to describe the way she felt tonight, that was negan made her feel. not only tonight but the way he made her feel just be being in her presence. this man did something to her like nothing she'd ever felt before.

"it's just so magical? because i was thinking the same thing." negan softly laughed. he slowly pulled away and examined her facial expression, she soft and safe look in her eyes. beautiful eyes that made him feel like he could fall in and float in space if he stared into them too long.

his eyes slowly trailed down to her lips. her heart skipped a beat in realization, though she felt good about this. but negan pulled away and gave a small laugh. "you should get some rest, it's been a long one today. i'll have dwight escort you to your room, i'll see you in the morning beautiful."

annabelle walked toward the door and opened it. she stopped and turned around to negan who was leaned against the table facing her. "goodnight negan."


sorry for the late update, been busy with the holidays and all that fun stuff. but i hope y'all are enjoying. ❤️

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