-Chapter 3-

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The new kid stared at the class for a while, before a small smile appeared on his face.

"Ah, right!" our teacher said. "We have a new student joining us today." He motioned at the new kid to speak.

"Uh, hi," he said, his stupid grin never leaving his face. I could see a tooth gap in his mouth. "I'm Cody!" Our teacher then turned to face us, raising an eyebrow. Groans were heard from across the classroom.

"Hi, Cody," everyone, me included, said to the new kid, now known as Cody.

"Thank you," our teacher responded with an innocent smile. He then looked around the classroom. "Alright, we have two seats open! One by Noah, and one by Sierra-"

"HE CAN SIT HERE!" Sierra exclaimed, her hand shooting up. Our teacher gave her a concerned look.

"How about you sit back there, next to Noah," he told Cody, pointing to the empty seat next to me. I let out a sigh.

Cody nodded and made his way over to the desk. I watched him as he sat down, and noticed that his leg had started to bounce up and down, and his pointer finger was tapping the desk. He gave me a small wave and smile.

"Hi!" he said to me. "You're Noah, right?"

"Mhm..." I grumbled, turning away from him to face the teacher. I heard him turn away from me and face the teacher as well.



First class is finally over. God, it was going to be a long day. I started to put all my belongings into my backpack when I realized that Cody had fallen asleep in class. How had our teacher not caught him? I guess new kids are cut some slack.

I was tempted to just leave him there and let him deal with the embarrassment of someone else waking him up, most likely a teacher, but I spared him that encounter. I would probably be the nicest about it, too.

"Cody," I said monotonously, poking him in the arm. I sighed when he barely even moved. "Wake up!"

"Huh?" I heard him say, groaning slightly as he sat up straight in his seat. He turned to look at me.

"You fell asleep."

"Oh. Thanks for waking me up!"

Another stupid smile.


I sighed, continuing to pack up. I then hoisted my backpack over one shoulder and started to walk out of the room.



Half of the day finally completed. It was so close to being the weekend, where I could lay in bed all day and do nothing the whole weekend like I always do.

I walked to the cafeteria, sitting down at my table which consisted of my three and only friends, Eva, Izzy, and Owen. They all took their turns staring at me in a funky way, so I finally spoke up.

"What?" I asked harshly. "Why do you guys keep staring at me? It's fucking annoying."

"How much sleep have you been getting, little buddy?" Owen asked me. I groaned, setting my head against the table. Probably not the best idea. These tables were definitely so full of germs they could be considered hazardous.

"Um, Noah?" a new voice asked from my left. I was sitting at the end of the table on the left side...

"What?" I asked (pretty harshly again), turning to look at who was talking to me. The new kid. Cody.

"Uh, I don't really have anywhere else to sit..." he started. I could tell he was going to begin to explain himself, so I quickly cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, waving my hand in his face. "Welcome to the losers table." I started to scoot over, making room for him.

A/N i had the urge to say "welcome to the losers club"

"Thanks!" he said, flashing his tooth gap as he grinned widely. I stared at him, a blank expression on my face. How was it he was always smiling, whether it be the slightest smile ever or the widest smile ever?

I turned to look back at my food and eat, but I saw Izzy giving me a look. I looked up at her, mouthing "what?" She just smiled and shrugged. Both her and Eva were talking to Cody in no time. Even Owen joined in at some point. I just sat there, silently eating my food.

I didn't really have an appetite.



Freedom, at last! The school day had finally ended, and I could escape to my sorry excuse for a life. In other words, my uneventful weekend.

I slammed my locker shut as I turned to leave the building. As I was walking out, I saw the new- Cody. I saw Cody walking out of the building as well, wireless headphones cupping his ears. I saw him take out one of the newer editions of a phone, as well. For the first time, I noticed his shoes, as well. They were some expensive brand. I watched as he got in - I'm guessing his sister - Heather's car, who everyone has been talking about. Apparently she's some rich kid, and is already the most popular girl in school.

Great, I thought. Not only do I have to put up with his geeky ass, he's also a snobby rich kid? Didn't think someone could be both...

I ignored my own thought as I walked to my car, unlocking it and stepping inside. I began to drive home, almost dozing off at a red light on my way.

Once home, I went straight into my room and opened up my chromebook and notebooks. But as I did, I took a glance around my room. My trash can was full, and there were all sorts of stuff on the ground. Even my bed wasn't made.

I stood up and began to clean my room, making sure everything was neat. I even ended up vacuuming. Once finished, I sat back down and did all my homework in one sitting. Well, almost all my homework. I ended up falling asleep at my desk again, over halfway done with all my work.

Maybe I could make up my loss of sleep over the weekend?

1033 words

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