-Chapter 11-

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I stepped off the stage, ready to see Noah again when all of a sudden a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the hallway. I tried to get my wrist back, but their grip was tight. So instead, I planted my feet and forced them to stop.

Instead of fighting back, I just stood in shock. I knew exactly who it was when I saw the purple braid. Sierra stared at me, and quickly took advantage of me being frozen in shock. She grabbed my other wrist, tightening both grips.

Sierra dragged me into one of the many rooms in this big ass house, ignoring any objections I made.

"Let go of me, creep!" I yelled, trying to pull my hands back to me. "How the hell are you so strong...?"

She tightened her grip, causing her nails to dig into my wrists. I cried out in pain. Sierra pushed me to the other side of the room as she closed and locked the door. I looked at her with fear in my eyes.

"What the fuck!?" I exclaimed, rushing towards the door. Sierra stopped me, gripping my arms once more.

"Oh, Codykins," she said in a sweet tone. "You can't leave!" She started to push me against the wall as I struggled against her. I wrapped my hand around her arm that was wrapped around my arm, and pulled it up to my face. I sunk my teeth into her skin, causing her to shriek let go of my arms.

I then rushed towards the door once more, but she grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me back, pushing me to the ground. She climbed on top of me and tried to smother me with kisses. I kept struggling against her, and was able to land a punch on her.

That did not feel good at all. Aren't you, like, not supposed to hit a woman?

I kicked her off of me, and scrambled to my feet. I felt tears stinging my eyes, but I held them back. "Get the hell away from me!" I warned her, putting my hand up in front of me as I backed up.

"But Codyyyy..." she whined, moving closer as I moved further away. "You can only back up so far." She grinned cruelly, and I looked behind me to see how close I was to backing up into the wall.

Bad decision, Cody.

Sierra took the chance to rush at me, pushing me into the wall once again. She shoved my head into the wall, supposedly on accident, and gave me a peck on my cheek.

I reached a hand up to my head, feeling very dizzy all of a sudden. Sierra placed a hand on my cheek as she leaned in to kiss me once more, so I quickly pushed her off of me

My head was spinning, my mind racing. God, how hard did my head hit the wall? I didn't know how long I would last...

Thank God knocking came from outside the door. I glanced at Sierra before starting to move towards the door, but she quickly stopped me.

"I can get that," she said with an innocent smile as she pushed me backwards. I lost my footing from the dizziness, and ended falling and hitting my head once more on a nightstand.

This night was not going very great.

"Oh, hi Heather!" I heard Sierra's voice echo as flashing lights from outside the door began to show. I raised a hand to my head again, but this time there was blood on the back of it.

"Where the hell is he, Sierra?" Heather asked.

"Where is who?" Sierra asked.

"Heather..." I mumbled from inside the room. I could tell Heather heard, because everyone went dead silent. The door was then kicked open, hitting Sierra.

Heather rushed in and went straight to me. My vision was spinning only slightly now, and I noticed Noah running in behind Heather.

"What the fuck did you-" Noah started, turning back to Sierra. But she had already fled the scene.

"My head..." I mumbled to Heather, who was sitting in front of me.

"I know, lets get you home," she told me, helping me stand up. I stood up too fast, because I almost fell down again. Noah helped support me, and I felt myself leaning into him more.

Heather ran out for a second and came back with a damp washcloth which she pressed against the back of my head. I flinched slightly at the sudden pain, but quickly got used to it. There was still throbbing, though.

Heather and Noah helped me out of Geoff's house, and we earned a few stared and a few questions on our way out.

The two of them helped me into the backseat of Noah's car, and Noah handed Heather the keys.

"Do not wreck this car," Noah warned, letting my head slide onto his shoulder. He kept the washcloth pressed against the back of my head.

"Noah, I have my injured baby brother in the back of this vehicle," Heather answered sternly. "I am jot going to crash."

I groaned slightly, my body suddenly becoming more aware of the pain that was going on.

"Hey, you're alright," Noah reassured softly. His voice was wavering a bit, and I could tell he was a bit nervous, maybe even uncomfortable.

"Just don't shush me..." I mumbled. "I hate being shushed."

Noah laughed softly at my joke, but nodded. "Alright, I won't shush you."

"Cody, we're gonna have to go im the front door," Heather said, starting to drive.

"Nuh uh," I mumbled once again, starting to sit up. Noah kept the washcloth pressed to my head. "I can climb a tree."

Heather sighed from the driver's seat, but I didn't care. I wasn't risking facing my dad after tonight.

"I'm sure your dad would understand after you explain what just happened," Noah said. "I mean, of course he'd still be angry, but the anger would be shown in the morning or after you've healed."

"You don't know my father," I said softly. "He just- Discipline is important to him. He'll make sure he gets the lesson across."

I nodded, and it seemed like we had arrived out front Cody's house in no time.

"Alright, c'mon Cody," Heather said, stepping out and opening the back door.

I crawled over Noah and into Heather's arms, and then waved goodbye. Heather handed the keys back to Noah, and then she led me to the back of the house.

"Let me know if you need help," she told me. "Take your time."

And I did. I slowly climbed up into the tree, and moved across it even slower as I moved towards the roof of my house.

I moved onto my roof, and slid my fingertips underneath the crack of the window, lifting it up. Once I stepped into my room I fell onto my bed, ready to sleep.

Heather came in not ling after only to leave again and come back with bandages. She wrapped my head as best as she could, and then pulled my covers over.

"Get some good rest," she whispered before turning off my lights and leaving the room.

I didn't know if I'd get any rest, good or not, after tonight.

1224 words! sorry if you find any typos its currently midnight

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