-Chapter 7-

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tw: The Drama Brothers😦😦






I slammed my hand on my alarm clock, sick of the stupid beeping. I wish that some days I could just stay in bed all day and it wouldn't be considered "weird" or "unhealthy."

I went through my regular routine: getting dressed, brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, yada, yada.

The whole weekend I couldn't stop thinking about Cody Anderson. He was a rich kid, but he seemed nothing like one. Everyday I replay those few moments we shared together, and he just seemed perfect in every one.

That sounds so gay.

I walked out my room, Cody still on my mind. Today I would be able to see him once more. I wonder how his weekend was...

I left my house without saying a word, turning on my car and driving away as soon as possible. There was just a feeling so calm while in Cody's presence, as if everything in the world was okay. I wanted to feel more of that. And I wanted to be near Cody.

Wow, this is sounding really gay.

I pulled into the school, and turned off my car. I walked inside, and headed straight to the library. I had gotten here earlier than I ever had, which wasn't all of a bad thing. More time to read!



The calming sounds of "by the seaside" woke me up, and I reached over to shut my phone alarm off.

I had set my phone alarm instead of regular alarm because I wanted to try and wake up a bit earlier. Maybe I could be more productive that way.

Or maybe not.

I ached much more and was just tired. Nothing that some cold water couldn't fix! I walked into my bathroom and splashed very cold water on my face before walking back out to change. I styled my hair, brushed my teeth, and walked out to get something to eat.

I noticed my dad back in his usual position, wasted on the couch. I sighed and silently walked over to the fridge. I eyed the beer in there, but grabbed the bread.

I started to hum quietly as I made my toast, waiting impatiently for it to pop out of the toaster.

"Kleptomaniacrow?" Heather asked from behind me, making me jump.

"Jesus!" I whispered. "W-what?"

"You were humming Kleptomaniacrow by Madilyn Mei, right?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah," I responded. "I'm surprised you knew."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked as my toast popped up, making me jump once more. I grabbed it and set it on my plate, beginning to butter it.

"I just didn't think you listened to Madilyn Mei," I explained.

"I know one or two songs."

I nodded, and started to eat my piece of toast. Once I finished I set the plate in the sink and then went to grab my backpack. I was pretty eager to get to school. I couldn't stand another minute in this stuffy house.

I hurry out the door and see Heather had already gotten in her car, so I get in as well.

The car ride was fairly silent, music from the radio playing softly. I couldn't tell if Heather was mad at me for the whole drinking problem. She didn't seem like it the morning after. I just stared out the window, almost falling asleep on the way to school.

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