CHAPTER 25 - Truth and Consequences

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It was way too early for someone to be banging on the front door, and Emma had no intention of crawling out of bed to see who it was. Luckily, Wyatt was already in the kitchen preparing a huge coffee for his little bird. She had been an absolute goddess these last three days, willingly letting him own and worship her body. He had decided she was the cure to all that ailed him, and Emma had no problem giving him what he needed. They had been lost in each other's touch for over seventy-two hours, and he had no doubt this was one of Emma's friends coming over to ensure she was still alive.

Sure enough, Cam stood on the other side of the door, reining in her impulse to kick it down. Labor Day weekend passed without a single word, phone call, or random sighting in town, and she was ready to kill Emma if the girl was still alive.

"Emma! Wyatt!" she shouted, banging on the brown and yellow stained glass. Just before her fist could hit the wood frame, the door opened with no one on the other side. "Wyatt, where is she? What the hell! I'm investigating your murder and her attempted murder, and the two of you think it's a great idea to just drop off the face of the earth for three days."

Wyatt laughed as Cam ranted all the way back to the kitchen, glancing in the den and bathroom on her way. He popped up into their room and found his little bird pulling up a pair of cut-off denim shorts that did dangerous things to her ass. She already wore a white linen button down and had brushed out her shoulder-length sex hair to a mild frizz. Before she bolted down the stairs, Emma clasped her hummingbird necklace around her neck. It was rare she left the room without it.

"Is that mine?" Emma smirked, walking into the kitchen.

"God, I hope so. I've put four spoons of sugar in this, and it still tastes like coffee," Cam grumbled, dumping the mug in the sink.

"Why are you tearing down my door at half past eight in the morning?" Emma asked, preparing a milky latte with caramel creamer for her sugar addicted friend.

"It's Tuesday," she stated flatly.

"Okay," Emma drawled.

"We're solving a murder on Friday night and then you disappear until Tuesday," she explained accusingly.

"You knew I was alive. I texted you," Emma said, handing her a mug along with a can of whipped cream.

"Eggplant emojis do not count," Cam griped, filling her mouth with cream straight from the can.

Wyatt's amused expression morphed into a grimace. "Remind me not to use that."

"That's why that can has her name on it," Emma chuckled. "Coffee?"

"I meant to be treating you, but it got dumped down the drain."

"Is Wyatt in here? Dude, go get dressed so I can see you," Cam ordered, and with a snort, Wyatt disappeared to go find some visible clothing.

"So where's the fire?" Emma asked, setting up a double espresso.

"Since you left me to do all the work, I think I'll just enjoy this coffee first."

Emma smiled with a shake of her head. "You are the detective, Cam."

"Yeah, but I liked having a sidekick," she mumbled.

"And I liked being one."

"Okay, where's the fire?" the tablet squeaked in its robotic voice.

"God, you two are sick," Cam sneered as Emma giggled.

"What'd I do?" Wyatt asked.

"Nothing, love. We're just both linguistic geniuses," Emma laughed, handing him a coffee. "Okay Cam, we're all caffeinated. What happened?"

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